• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Notice to candidates

In About Us
Sep 20th, 2010

AWARE Simcoe – September 20 2010 – It’s election season, we want to hear from you! Many candidates have already put us on their email list for news releases and we are happy to post whatever election material we receive so voters across Simcoe County are as well-informed as possible.
In many municipalities, candidates will have received questionnaires from an AWARE Simcoe affiliate. We thank all who have replied. If you have not received a questionnaire and wish to, email us at aware.simcoe@gmail.com. In some municipalities, the questionnaire is still being worked on and will be sent out soon
In some municipalities, our affiliate groups set deadlines for the return of questionnaires. This is to permit the posting of all the answers at the same time, and to allow adequate time for those who wish to research where candidates stand and ask further questions.
If you’ve missed the deadline, don’t worry – get your answers in! We will post any and all information right up to the final deadline – October 25, when voters decide which candidates get the job they are applying for.

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