• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Public information sessions on Simcoe County OP

In Agriculture
Apr 12th, 2015
Penetanguishene Bay - Adam Quinan, Wikimedia

AWARE News Network

AWARE Simcoe has been voicing concerns since 2012 about the lack of public consultation during the preparation of the revised Simcoe County Official Plan currently before the Ontario Municipal Board.  Participant input at the OMB hearing was cut off several months ago even though the Official Plan continues to undergo significant changes during subsequent Phases still before the Board.

At the urging of AWARE Simcoe the County of Simcoe is hosting two Public Information Sessions on the status and approval process of its Official Plan on April 20, 2015, 2-4pm and6-8pm at the Simcoe County Museum. These sessions will include an open house, a presentation and a question and answer period. For more information go to www.simcoe.ca.

AWARE Simcoe has prepared and submitted 18 questions to the County regarding the Official Plan and the process. To view these questions click here. 

AWARE Simcoe urges the public to attend one of the Public Information Sessions and ask questions about how the many changes to the Official Plan will affect your community.

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