• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Thursday August 26: AWARE Springater public meeting

In Meetings, events
Aug 18th, 2010

AWARE Springwater news release – August 17 2010
ELMVALE – With the municipal election just a few weeks away, it’s time to think about what the priorities should be in Springwater Township. After all, the people who are elected October 25 will be in control for four years.
AWARE Springwater is holding a meeting to find out how people feel about issues of public interest in Springwater Township.
WHEN Thursday August 26, 7 p.m.
WHERE Elmvale Legion, 7 John St., Elmvale
Do you like the way the township is being run? Would you like to see change? What are the key issues for the next four years?
The meeting is part of an information gathering process that AWARE Springwater will use before endorsing those candidates people feel can best serve their communities.
AWARE Springwater is an affiliate of AWARE Simcoe, a non-partisan citizens’ group seeking municipal councils that will:
-conduct the public’s business in public and not behind closed doors
-safeguard our environment and our communities
-be careful in spending our tax dollars and committing us to future debt
Springwater has many diverse communities and the hope is that people can attend from all corners of the township, including Anten Mills, Crossland, Elmvale, Fergusonvale, Grenfel, Hillsdale, Midhurst, Minesing, Orr Lake, Phelpston.
This is not an all-candidates’ meeting, but candidates, people who are thinking of becoming candidates, and incumbent councillors are welcome to participate in the discussion on the same basis as all other residents.

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