• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

NVCA, Grey Sauble Conservation to assess Georgian Bay shoreline alterations

In Agencies
Mar 7th, 2014

Report by the NVCA on its February 11 board meeting

The NVCA Board heard that Environment Canada is providing $21,200 to NVCA and its partner, Grey Sauble Conservation, to evaluate shoreline alternations between 2008 and 2012 along Georgian Bay. Using existing aerial imagery, the CAs will look for changes like dredging, infilling, and groin construction (finger-like extensions into the lake that slow erosion) which may affected the environmental health of the shoreline.

The study is one aspect of the work NVCA is doing with Environment Canada and other agencies as part of the Southern Georgian Bay Shoreline Management Initiative.

To further support this work, the Ontario Ministry of Environment has committed $28,280 to help NVCA undertake several key restoration projects along Southern Georgian Bay and the upstream tributaries of the Nottawasaga River.

NVCA, Collingwood to secure public ownership of Silver Creek Wetlands

The NVCA Board supported a partnership with the Town of Collingwood to ensure public ownership of environmentally sensitive lands in the Silver Creek Wetlands complex. These wetlands represent some of the last coastal wetlands along Georgian Bay.

Acquiring the land through plans of development, donations, etc. may take years. The NCVA, the Town of Collingwood and other partners like the Blue Mountain Watershed Trust hope this proactive partnership will lead to a coordinated approach when lands are secured.

NVCA board supports inclusion of Nottawasaga River in Navigable Waters Act

The NVCA Board voted to support the Township of Clearview and the Municipality of Essa in their request to the federal government to add the Nottawasaga River and its primary tributaries to those waterways regulated under the new Navigation Protection Act.

The Nottawasaga was regulated under the former Navigable Waters Protection Act. By having it regulated under the new Act, Clearview, Essa and the NVCA hope to protect the historic, recreational and economic importance of the river and reduce likelihood of potentially onerous and costly court challenges regarding navigable rights.

Groundwater mapping project approved

NVCA hydrogeology staff reported on their successful application for a groundwater mapping project, with full funding from the Ontario Geological Survey.

The four-year project will look at groundwater in the watershed through 3-D mapping of quaternary deposits in central Simcoe County.  The mapping will enhance knowledge of aquifers and identify potential drinking water sources. It will also look at aquitards, areas that prevent the movement of underground water, which can serve to protect aquifers from potential contamination.

NVCA ends 2013 in positive financial position

Unaudited numbers show the NVCA ending 2013 with a surplus of funds. Board members directed the NVCA’s auditors to allocate these funds to reserves, with $50,000 set aside to cover the cost of the upcoming efficiency audit.

Full audited financial statements are expected to be released in April, along with the 2013 annual report.

Efficiency auditors retains

The NVCA Board retained the services of Gazda, Houlne and Associates to conduct an efficiency audit of the NVCA. Results from the first phase of this study are to be presented to the B

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