• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County


In Candidate Listings
Jun 27th, 2010

Jack Jordon – Loretto  519-941-6687  jack.jordan@sympatico.ca (incumbent councillor Ward 1)
Leo Losereit – Everett 705-435-7414 leo@leo4mayor.ca
Tom Walsh – Loretto – 905-729-2132 (incumbent)
Deputy Mayor
Mary Small Brett – Palgrave 519-941-5828  marysmallbrett@sympatico.ca (incumbent Ward 3) ACCLAIMED
Ward 1 
Steve Brockman – Palgrave (h)519-942-8960 (c)416-727-4809 Stevesstuff@sympatico.ca
Floyd Pinto – Palgrave 905-936-9616 FLOYDPINTO@PORCHLIGHT.CA
Mary Phil Flood – Loretto  519-941-6827 maryPhilflood@Gmail.com
William Boston – Palgrave – 1-519-941-5657 WBE@SYMPATICO.CA
Ward 2 
Ambrose J Keenan 905-729-3361 tundraathome@295.ca
Marilynn A.A Cook – Loretto – 905-729-2717 mcook@trebnet.com
Ward 3 
Raymond T Wallace – Tottenham – (h) 705-424-2065 (c) 705-627-2229
Doug Little – Everett – 705-435-9020
Ward 4 
Tom Gauley – Everett  705-435-1437 tomlisegauley@rogers.com ACCLAIMED
Ward 5 
Scott W. Anderson – Lisle  705-424-0769 SWANDERSON@GTO.NET
Tom Cook – Tosorontio – (h) 705-424-2065 (c) 705-627-2229 tcook@drlogick.com (incumbent Ward 5)

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