• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

White aims for ‘happy medium’ between development at all costs and strictly conservation

In Agencies
Jan 13th, 2014
1 Comment

Melancthon Deputy Mayor Darren White’s speech to the NVCA board, January 10, 2014

Good morning everyone.  I have put my name forward today because I believe that we need to make a little course correction as we enter what will be the last year of this current board. Over the last few weeks or so I have spoken to many of you either on the phone, in person or through email to tell you why I am seeking the chair’s position.  Over the past few years we as a board have taken many strides forward.  We have acted to address the planning fees issue, we have developed a strategic plan, and we have taken steps to engage local landowners through various initiatives.

I don’t disagree with any of these initiatives, and I also don’t attribute their implementation to any one individual. We worked as a board for the most part to bring them to fruition. I Also believe that we have taken some steps and made some decisions that run counter to our mission.  Decisions that were made on feeling rather than on fact or science.  As a result, I believe we have hurt staff morale, damaged our reputation, and opened up dangerous precedents.

We are all municipal elected officials, and sometimes as we sit as a director on this board we realize we have a conflict between our municipal interests, and the interests of our watershed.  We have to work to find a happy medium.  We need a chair that will work to build consensus. As I mentioned in my email, I believe this board is split between a pro development agenda and a conservation agenda. While some of you I am sure think of me as a conservation candidate, and there is some truth there, I have always supported smart responsible development that is in the best interests of the greater community.  I think we have started to stray a little from that and it’s time to correct our course.

I also strongly believe that we have to set an atmosphere where our professional staff can feel comfortable enough to do their jobs.  It is our job to give them the tools they need to do their work, and to stand behind them as they do it.  There has been some second guessing and in some cases the board has overruled staff.  With all due respect to all of us, myself included, while we are able to question and expect some sober second thought, none of us have the technical training to overrule some of the decisions as we have. We need to give our staff proper tools and trust in their judgement.  If we can’t do that then what are we doing here?

Middle ground, that’s what I seek.  A happy medium between a development at all cost agenda and a strictly conservation agenda.

It has been my experience in these types of situations that some people promise their support to someone just because they asked.  All I can ask of you today is that you vote your conscience, if you do that whatever the result, I am confident that it will be the right one.

Thank you

One Response to “White aims for ‘happy medium’ between development at all costs and strictly conservation”

  1. Ann says:

    Great speech Darren..you hit the nail right on the head. The NVCA board needs to follow it’s mandate more closely and support their staff who are the experts, instead of catering to the developers.

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