• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Comments Due Before June 6/23 on Proposed amendments to the blue box regulation to expand deductions for producers

In AWARE News Network
Jun 4th, 2023

By Charles O’Hara
Director, Resource Recovery Policy Branch
Environmental Policy Division
Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Park

On June 3, 2021, Ontario finalized a new blue box regulation (O. Reg. 391/21) to make producers responsible for collecting and managing paper, packaging, and single-use items.

The new approach improves the blue box system by providing consistent service that will reduce litter and allow more materials to be recycled in more communities.

Ontario is working to create a stronger and more effective blue box service and has started the process of transitioning to a producer responsibility model.

To provide clarity to producers on their blue box obligations and support a smooth transition to a full producer responsibility framework, we are proposing minor changes to the blue box regulation to:

  • expand permitted deductions used to set management requirements
  • harmonize annual reporting deadlines with other jurisdictions

Existing reporting obligations for 2023 remain unchanged, however, if approved, producers would have the opportunity to submit expanded deductions to the Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority (RPRA) by July 31, 2023. Deductions reported in July 2023 would be used to set producers’ obligations for 2024.

These proposed changes will not impact how the public receives blue box collection services or diversion targets set by the blue box regulation.

The ministry welcomes your feedback on this proposal. You may view the proposed amendments on the Environmental Registry of Ontario at https://ero.ontario.ca/notice/019-6962.

If you have any questions, please contact Stephanie Papadimitriou, Senior Policy Analyst, Resource Recovery Policy Branch at stephanie.papadimitriou@ontario.ca or 437-214-8463.

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