• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Full on attack on natural area protection, planning, citizen participation: Time to roar!

In AWARE News Network
Nov 7th, 2022

From Rescue Lake Simcoe Coalition
By Claire Malcolmson, Executive Director

By now, you might have heard about Bill 23, a.k.a, More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022. We have put together a detailed list of resources to understand what Bill 23 means and what you can do about it. Please join us in expressing concern about the ways this Bill will impact affordable housing, sustainable communities, and environmental protection. Read below to learn more about the issues with this Bill and how you can get involved.

In this newsletter

1. What You Need to Know 
2. Attend an Information Webinar
3. Share Your Opinion to the Environmental Registry of Ontario
4. Write to Your MPP
5. News and Analysis


What You Need to Know About Bill 23

Bill 23, “More Homes Built Faster Act” (2022) is “an Act to amend various statutes, to revoke various regulations and to enact the Supporting Growth and Housing in York and Durham Regions Act, 2022 (Ontario, 2022). The province claims that Bill 23 has been put in place to tackle the housing shortage in light of the massive population growth projected over the next decade. However, the fine print reveals numerous amendments to regulations that will exacerbate sprawl, destroy the environment, and worsen affordability.

Here are just a few of the major items we are concerned about…


  • CA’s will lose their power to mitigate pollution and environmental damage caused by development. CA’s will only be allowed to comment on items under their core mandate, like natural hazards, and will not be allowed to prohibit certain activities that pollute ecosystems or destroy wildlife habitat
  • CA’s will not be able to alter or deny certain development projects that might interrupt the quality and function of key ecosystems. The process to obtain permits and zoning orders will be much quicker and easier for developers to build new homes in natural areas
  • Conservation measures should not be reduced while facing the climate crisis!



  • Low-income tenants will be displaced. The amendments will no longer obligate the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing to return tenants to a home after they are evicted for construction of new housing



  • Many municipalities will lose decision making power when it comes to official plans, zoning bylaws and subdivisions.
  • Upper-tier municipalities including Simcoe, Durham, Halton, Niagara, Peel and York will be subjected to intense sprawl imposed by the province, regardless of their own plans to meet the demands of residents


Information Webinars

1. Why You Should Be Concerned About Bill 23, More Homes Built Faster Act, virtual event by 50 BY 2030 WATERLOO REGION


2. Bait and Switch: Understanding Bill 23, The ‘More Sprawl, Fewer Wetlands’ Act virtual event by Environmental Defence 


3. Bill 23 Debrief and Solidarity Meeting by Simcoe County Greenbelt Coalition and Laura Bowman from Ecojustice


OTHER: This is not an information session, however, the Virtual Public Open Houses for the Vaughan Official Plan Review with Forward Vaughan is an opportunity to ask critical questions and voice your concerns about Bill 23 and how it will impact Vaughan’s natural heritage.


Environmental Registry of Ontario Open Consultations

The Ontario government is asking for public opinions on the regulations associates with Bill 23, More Homes Built Faster Act. They have opened 13 bulletins for feedback on potential changes to the planning act, heritage act, building codes, various housing and land use policies, and more.

We encourage you to review these regulations and express your concerns with Bill 23.


Write to Your MPP

Concerned Citizens of King Township, one of our member groups,  has created a resource to help find your MPPs contact information to email them a message.

Below is the list of items Ontariogreen Conservation Association suggests to include in your letter…

  • That you are not against development, especially affordable housing (defined as no more than 30% of income).
  • That to address the threats caused by the climate crisis and biodiversity loss and to protect Ontario’s critical agricultural land, the focus of legislation should be on, limiting sprawl, encouraging development within urban boundaries and creating complete healthy communities on already serviced land that can be served by public transit.
  • Talk about any of your specific concerns related to the points list above.
  • Note that Conservation Authorities have played a crucial role in protecting against losses caused by flooding, erosion and other natural hazards that are bound to increase as the climate changes. Now, more than ever, it’s important the planning takes watershed approach.
  • Note the importance of protecting conservation areas in terms of human recreation and biodiversity protection.
  • Concern that Bill 23 has not been given the time needed for detailed analysis and informed discussion. Ask that Bill 23 is given significant time for both public consultation and consideration at a Standing Committee.




Contact list for Lake Simcoe watershed MPPS and MP

Ontario’s Current MPPs Contact Information

News and Analysis

Bill 23 harmful, unnecessary: Rescue Lake Simcoe Coalition

Read our Media Statement on Bill 23

Rescue Lake Simcoe Coalition’s Letter to Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks

Read our letter to Minister of Environment regarding our Concerns on Bill 23, the More Homes Built Fast Act

“Ontario’s Housing Bill is Actually a Trojan Horse for Environmentally Catastrophic Rural Sprawl” 

Statement and Detailed Analysis of Bill 23 from Phil Pothen, Ontario Environment Program Manager, Environmental Defence

“More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022 Proposes Significant Changes to Legislation” 

Analysis by business law firm, Aird Berlis, on the More Homes Built Faster Act

“Forget everything you thought you knew about planning approvals in Ontario…”

Analysis by business law firm, Osler, on the More Homes Built Faster Act

“BILL 23: A Re-Build of Foundation for Housing and Planning Legislation “

Analysis by international law firm, Growling WLG, on planning and development, including the Planning Act, Development Charges Act, and Conservation Authorities Act.

Bradford Bypass Petition

Visit our Bradford Bypass home page and sign our petition asking the Ontario Minister of Transportation and the Federal Minister of Department of Fisheries and Oceans to stop work on the Bradford Bypass until the following is done:

  1. Assessment of harm to the Lake Simcoe watershed, demonstrating the ability to meet the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan’s science-based targets and objectives;
  2. Full archaeological assessment and full consultation with – and accommodation of – First Nations’ interests for putting a highway over an extremely significant historical / First Nations site, The Lower Landing;
  3. Proper permitting or denying permits to destroy the fish habitat they will destroy;
  4. Transparent reconsideration of Bypass routes to reduce environmental impacts on Lake Simcoe and allow regional governments to properly address local traffic issues;
  5. Demonstration that this highway will improve traffic movement.


Sign the Petition

Support Our Work

So far we have raised $16,000 toward our goal of $40,000 from our fundraising appeal this summer. Thank you to those who have supported through donations and purchasing jewelry, posters, and cards!

You can make a donation through our Small Change Fund Project, or support us through one of the options on our website. Thank you!

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