• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

LETTER: Time to move away from ‘whole economy based on greed’

In Governance
Sep 2nd, 2022
1 Comment
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From BarrieToday, Aug 28, 2022
A Letter to the Editor

The following is a letter about economic greed from reader Colin Gordon.
The Bible tells us that of the seven deadly sins, greed is the worst.

Greed takes from those who have not and gives to those who have too much.

Our whole economy is based on greed. Prices of food, housing and heat are set to produce the highest profit.

Food bank usage is growing at a faster rate than ever before.

Young families have to choose between paying rent and buying food.

Houses are being sold like stocks and bonds on the markets, rather than a home and shelter for families.

Farmlands and wetlands are being destroyed to build subdivisions with houses to be sold at exaggerated prices, with no thought being given to future generations.

When the working class asks for a 10 per cent increase, they talk about inflation and the bad things it will do to the economy. But when corporate profits rise as much as 45 per cent and large dividends are being paid out to board officers, then the economy is succeeding.

Greed is the basis of our economy. I am 89 years and until 1972, I was an insurance agent, and it wasn’t always like this. In those days, profit was balanced with the best interests of customers. This ensured a long-term relationship where both the company and the customer saw benefits. Our world has strayed from this model and it is time to return.

Colin Gordon

Read the article here

One Response to “LETTER: Time to move away from ‘whole economy based on greed’”

  1. Janet Lord-genyk says:

    Well said!

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