• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Tiny should not assume liability for Site 66 – Ogden

In Tiny
Oct 30th, 2013

Letter to the Midland Mirror October 30 2013
TINY TOWNSHIP – Re: “Township to pay $60,000 for former landfill site,” The Mirror, Oct. 24.
Just read your report on the Township of Tiny’s negotiation to purchase the County of Simcoe’s closed landfill Site 66.

In reading the committee of the whole RCCW-049, dated Oct. 22, 2013, Kimberley Pickett, technical compliance supervisor, states the county will no longer be responsible for any potential liabilities associated with this site.
Surely the township would require all of the county’s monitoring reports and scientific documentation to ensure the entire property is free of any contamination. The legacy of both legal and illegal dumping of toxic chemicals from industries in this area cannot be ignored.
Taxpayers of Tiny could well be on the hook for cleaning up what lies buried in these lands. Let’s keep the liability where it belongs, at the County of Simcoe, who assumed all responsibilities for landfills over 20 years ago.a
Stephen Ogden, Tiny Township


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