• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

NVCA votes to open flood zones to new development

In Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority
Oct 8th, 2013

New Tecumseth Free Press October 7, 2013
An 11th-hour amendment to the Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority’s (NVCA) updated Strategic Plan that would allow new development in “existing flood and erosion-prone communities” passed by a 10-9 vote last week, including support from Ward 5 councillor Donna Jebb.

According to a report from the meeting by Sandy Agnew posted on the Aware Simcoe news network, the amendment to the strategic plan, which was drafted following months of public input, and deferred from the Aug. 30th meeting, sparked a heated exchange between Clearview Township deputy mayor Alicia Savage, who moved it, and Innisfil Deputy Mayor Dan Davidson who voted no. “(He) demanded an apology from Clearview Deputy Mayor Alicia Savage for calling him a “bastard and an asshole” during a break. Savage admitted calling him names and did apologize.”
New Tecumseth’s other representative on the NVCA, Ward 1 councillor Bob Marrs, was absent from the meeting. Ward 6 councillor Richard Norcross, the alternate, is listed as “abstain” on the amendment vote. Councillor Jebb was appointed to the NVCA last May replacing Joan Sutherland who stepped down for health reasons. Ms. Jebb’s appointment was the first time New Tecumseth had two councillors as its representatives.
NVCA directors from Adjala-Tosorontio, Essa, Bradford West Gwillimbury, and Innisfil, voted against the amendment.
“(The amendment) was included so that people who already have buildings (barns,grain bins, buildings) in the flood zone can work with NVCA if they require to put up another bin etc,” said Ms. Jebb via email this afternoon about why she supported it.
“I was unable to attend that meeting and Richard is a sub in the event that either Donna or I cannot attend,” Mr. Marrs explained this afternoon via email. “Richard did not feel he had enough information to make an informed decision and therefore abstained. (…)
Would I have voted against had I been there? You’re darn right. Seems many of the NVCA directors have missed the primary purpose of conservation authorities.”
The NVCA’s policies prohibit any new development in designated flood and hazard zones. But last month, the directors voted 12-8 in favour of allowing Larry Smilsky to build a single family home within the regulated flood zone on his property at 4853 13th Line, New Tecumseth. Ms. Jebb was in favour, while Mr. Marrs was opposed. Mr. Smilsky still requires municipal approvals.
Ms. Savage’s amendment means “Where development has occurred historically in existing flood and erosion-prone communities, the NVCA will work with municipalities to facilitate development/redevelopment applying reasonable measures to mitigate natural hazard risks consistent with Provincial and local Natural Hazard Policies.”
On Oct. 10th, the NVCA will host an open house between 1-4 pm and 6-9 pm at the Tiffin Conservation Centre to display the updated regulatory maps. And while the Development, Interference with Wetlands and Alteration to Shorelines and Watercourses Regulation remains the same, NVCA has updated the maps showing where the regulations apply based on the following:
site-specific technical studies
refined floodplain models
refined wetland mapping
refined watercourse mapping


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