• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Webster answers French

In Springwater
Aug 31st, 2013

AWARE Simcoe August 30 2013
Springwater Councillor Rick Webster read out the following answers to questions from Bill French at the August 26 council meeting:

For clarification, Deputy Mayor MacLean indicated his intention to me to second my notice of motion and evidently he continues to intend to second it.

Mr. French’s question, as he laid it out, has four parts which I will address individually however additionally he pontificates regarding the need for this motion since, as he stated, the matter of libel, slander and defamation is covered under Provincial and federal Statute. Additionally he refers to “hurt feelings” as the motive of my motion.
Let me be perfectly clear here: insinuations of dishonesty are not about hurt feelings but rather about a breach of decorum that transcends hurt feelings and reaches the lofty height of maligning the reputation of honest hardworking people. Call me stupid, tell me you do not agree with me, tell me you wish you had not voted for me….say what you like in that regard, but do NOT call me dishonest unless you have the proof to back it up and are prepared to do so.
More on that later.
Part 1- Is this not an attempt to introduce pro SLAPP suit control in our bylaws while the province has recently passed legislation to minimize the use of these strategic lawsuits against public participation as such actions on the part of large companies and institutions has been recognized as bullying and intimidation?
I will quote from the Anti SLAPP Advisory Panel Report to the Attorney General, dated October 28, 2010.
Item #4: Participation by members of the community in matters of public interest is fundamental for democratic society. The very fabric of democracy is woven daily from the acts of citizens who engage in public discussion and contribute in countless ways to creating a civil society alive to the interests and rights of its members.
The key word here is CIVIL.  A Civil Society does not make claims that are libel and slanderous.
Item #91: In Ontario, municipal governments do not have the right to sue in defamation. However, there are several recent cases in which municipal councillors have sued someone for criticisms aimed at the municipality or municipal interests generally. Sometimes municipalities pay the expenses of these suits. The question arises whether this is a way of avoiding the general prohibition against municipal libel actions. These cases almost by definition involve matters of public interest, and the resources of an individual or ratepayers group against a municipal government funding an individual politician’s lawsuit  are likely to be unequal.
Item #92: The Panel is not prepared to recommend a blanket probation on such suits as part of the law of defamation, however.  It is prepared to leave such suits to its general remedy for public participation.
Therefore and having admittedly not read the  recently passed legislation that Mr. French has referred to in his question, I will assume that, if such legislation exists at all, it will have not superseded the recommendation of this report.
Part 2 – Is this motion not contrary to the transparency that this council professes?
I believe that my motion when read and understood in its entirety answers this question however for the record I will add, ABSOLUTLEY NOT and this Council’s record stands replete.
Part 3 – Why should we as taxpayers be paying to gag the comments of the taxpayers that you think are uncomplimentary?
The use of the term “Gag” has strong implications. I will assume that Mr. French carefully selected this term as he prepared his question and submitted it in writing. Let me be clear again, “uncomplimentary” is not insinuating dishonesty. It is not the wording or intention of this motion for the taxpayers to pay for legal counsel for anything that is said or written that is merely uncomplimentary.
Part 4 – Will Councillor Webster withdraw his motion which is a draconian proposal that would find a better place in Iraq or Libya or some third world despot ruled nation?
I think by now, Mr. French will have gotten the notion that I will NOT be withdrawing the motion. It is regretful that Mr. French’s opinion is that the laws passed in this chamber by elected officials have the potential of being “draconian” and that he would compare the result of said passing as making our system similar to countries such as Iraq or Libya.  In fact, as I understand it, in these countries merely posing these statements in public would result in, at a minimum, a long prison term. However, this is Mr. French’s opinion and he is certainly entitled to it.

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