• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Letters: McConkey not treated fairly in being ejected from council

In Springwater
Jul 18th, 2013

Letter to the Springwater News July 18 2013
I attended the Springwater Council meeting on Monday July 15, 2013. I was very saddened by a situation that transpired. Dan McLean, the deputy mayor, read a 2 page letter concerning Councillor Sandy McConkey.  He accused her of breach of procedural decorum at the June 24, 2013 planning committee meeting.

Linda Collins, the honourable mayor, asked her to apologize or suffer the consequences. After much private deliberation out of sight from the council meeting, Sandy chose not to apologize since she did not have her notes with her and she did not feel comfortable responding to the accusation. She was then asked to leave the meeting.
I feel Sandy McConkey was blindsided by this letter written by Dan Mclean. This letter presentation did not appear in the agenda. I feel that Sandy McConkey was not treated fairly!
Furthermore, by her being ejected it eliminated her constituents’ voice to be heard.  
We need a council that deals with conflicts in a way that promotes harmony and serves the best interest of the residents that elected them.
Barb Kutcher
Springwater resident

More on McConkey
Letter to Springwater News July 18 2913
Last evening I attended the Springwater Council Meeting as we are often invited to do.  I was shocked at the proceedings and the behaviour of Council.
The meeting had gone along smoothly with several informative reports received by Council.  When question period came, four taxpayers put forth their questions with careful adherence to the new rule that questions must relate to  the agenda and be of two minutes length.  After that Deputy Mayor Dan McLean rose on a Point of Order and read what appeared to be a two page document that reflected his feeling that he had been unjustly treated by Councillor Sandy McConkey, and an apology from her was in order.  Councillor McConkey was not prepared to give an apology at that time.  Mayor Collins said the people involved with the exception of Deputy Mayor McLean should retire to her office for 5 minutes to set things straight and if there was no apology, there would be consequences.  Considerable time passed before the group returned to the Council Chambers.  Mayor Collins then said Councillor McConkey wished to address the Council.  Councillor McConkey told Council and those in attendance that she did not have her notes with her in regard to the meeting in question and was therefore not prepared to address the issue at this time.  Mayor Collins then announced she had no choice but to ask Councillor McConkey to leave the meeting until an apology was forth coming.
Many people are fighting to gain a legitimate vote and freedom of speech while we here in Canada seem to be losing our freedom of speech.   We read much about the work being done to recognize and correct bullying tactics, and then find our “leaders” are unable to lead by example.  I am losing faith with both some elected leaders and with some of our County employees.  I feel like they think of ratepayers as their enemies, not as those who vote, pay taxes and expect governing bodies to listen to the will of  people.
Needless to say I will be attending the next Council meeting.
Ann Spence
A Springwater Township Ratepayer

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