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Fair Vote Canada Annual General Meeting Saturday June 11

In Governance
May 24th, 2022
Sharon (front row, second from the left) and other Fair Vote Canada supporters meet with MP Catherine McKenna about PR, 2016

By Michelle Clifford, Co-Chair, Fair Vote Canada

Fair Vote Canada’s Annual General Meeting is on Saturday, June 11 at 12 PM ET.

At this meeting we:

  • Receive an update on the work of the past year
  • Ratify the results of the board elections
  • Review and vote on audited financial statements
  • Approve bylaw amendments


The agenda for the business meeting and additional information for members is here. Anyone can attend, but only members can vote at the meeting (if you are receiving this email directly from us, you can vote at the meeting!)


Sharon Reeves Outstanding Volunteer Award: Nominations Open!

Sharon Reeves, a dedicated Fair Vote Canada volunteer for many years passed away this past year. Sharon was passionate about proportional representation. Over the years she led and participated in so many grassroots efforts for PR, both in Ottawa and in Nanaimo.

Fair Vote Canada has created an annual award in her name: the Sharon Reeves Outstanding Volunteer Award. Each year, we will recognize one volunteer who has made an inspiring contribution to Fair Vote Canada. The volunteer will be recognized at our Annual General Meeting.

Would you like to nominate someone? The deadline to nominate an outstanding volunteer is May 31. (Board members are not eligible to be nominated).


Board Town Hall, Saturday June 11, 1:30 PM ET

Following the AGM, the board of Fair Vote Canada will be hosting a town hall.

This town hall is an opportunity for our members and active volunteers to speak with the board. Set-up as a one-hour zoom call, there is no set agenda, so this is your opportunity to pose questions, provide us with comments, raise concerns or just chat about what’s going on with electoral reform. We hope you’ll join us!


Board election: Look for your ballot on May 25

Finally, if you are receiving this email, you are eligible to vote in this year’s board election. Statements from this year’s candidates can be found on this page.

If you would like to watch the recording of the Q+A with candidates, you can watch it here!

You will receive a ballot from Opavote on May 25.

Thank you for supporting the campaign to Make Every Vote Count!

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