• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

BWG group opposes landscape firm’s rezoing

In Bradford West Gwillimbury
Apr 19th, 2013
By Meade Helman AWARE News Network April 19 2013
The following was presented at the BWG Council by Kevin Holmes, of the Gateway to Simcoe Community Association.
The Association has been fighting a rezoning proposal Agricultural “A” zone to a site-specific zone to permit a landscape contracting operation from Hermanns Contracting, which has gone to the Ontario Municipal Boardafter the BWG council failed to approve it.
Council held an in-camera meeting to discuss this. The town planner, Geoff McKnight  and the county planning department have both turned this down. EDITORIAL COMMENT: One has to ask “Why a secret meeting? especially when the company involved has been involved in so many fires and complaints.
Public Forum Presentation in Council after the in-camera meeting:
Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Councillors:
Last August we came before you with our planner to object to Hermanns’ newest proposal for 1760 County Rd 27. Our planner very clearly stated our myriad of reasons for objecting to this.
We have now received our notice from the OMB of a hearing starting 6 May, 2013. We will be there to show support to the Planning Department, and we have confirmed that we will be at the OMB with representatives.
There have been over 600 complaints filed with the Town for various matters involving the operation at 1510 County Rd 27 — 600 complaints! — and at least one fire per year for the last six years, according to the Fire Department, and this year four fires so far.  There is also currently a case before the courts for the material stock piles at 1760 Hwy 27 in violation of Town by-laws.
All of these items cost the Town money and valuable staff time.  The question is:  Should an entity that so blatantly ignores our by-laws and safety be granted special permission to expand their business?
In the request for zoning change, this entity claimed that it was primarily a landscaping business, but according to the real estate  listing, this site is presently a soil manufacturing and storage facility as well as equipment repair and storage yard for the owner’s landscaping business; in other words, an industrial facility. According to the site plan, the soil manufacturing is a secondary use.   Is it time to review the site plan?
 Taxes for 1510 County Rd 27, a 28-acre piece of property, are $9,831.26. Since the offer for sale on this property makes it clear this business is an industrial operation, shouldn’t the Town reassess the level of taxation? 
 Finally, why even consider changing zoning for an operation that is currently for sale?
The minutes of the meeting dated 7 August, 2012 say, and I quote:
” The Simcoe County Planning Department advises that they do not support the rezoning application, opining that the proposal does not comply with the prime agricultural policies of the growth plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, The Provincial Policy Statement and the Simcoe County Official Plan.  County staff also advises that the proposed access to CR 27 will not be permitted, unless additional information and further analysis determines otherwise.
Town Planning Staff concur with the County’s comments on agricultural policy compliance.  In Staff’s view, the application as currently proposed is of a scale and composition that does not comply with the secondary or agriculture-related policies set out in Provincial and County planning documents.”
Your Worship and council have always said that you have the best staff anywhere. We want you to know that we also stand behind their opinion and the opinion of the County Staff
Thank you for your time and for listening to our thoughts. 

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