• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

5 ways Essa Township is combating climate change

In Climate Change
Apr 21st, 2022
Tree planting and naturalization efforts are some of the ways Essa Township is addressing climate change. Miriam King/Bradford Today

From Simcoe.com, April 20, 2022
By Brad Pritchard

Simcoe.com asked local municipalities to highlight some of the steps they are taking to address climate change. These are some of the things Essa Township is doing to make a difference.


The township is working toward naturalizing stormwater retention pond lands. Traditionally, these pond areas were well-maintained, which included regular grass cutting. However, the township now realizes that less mowing and naturalization can mean less emissions and, conversely, more valuable natural habitat for plants, birds, bees and other animals. The township has approximately a dozen storm ponds scattered across the municipality and budgets money annually to maintain them.

The province began to focus attention on maintenance of storm pond areas a few years ago, and Essa’s efforts should help with climate change by making these areas greener and environmentally cleaner, slowly but surely. The hardest part with this initiative is convincing the public that the naturalization of areas in urban centres is advantageous, since some neighbours complain about long grass, weeds and pests.


Essa continues with its naturalization efforts with the goal of expanding on the municipality’s natural resources via tree planting and limiting urban sprawl. Essa, in partnership with the South Simcoe Streams Network, continues its tree planting efforts with a joint planting event coming up in May in the 5th Line subdivision in Angus. Essa’s healthy community committee also plans to install a pollinating garden at the administration centre this summer to add to pollinating and greening efforts in Angus and Thornton.


Active transportation is encouraged by council, the healthy community committee and the transportation action committee. To help promote cycling, Essa has co-ordinated safe cycling events and hopes to encourage businesses to put bike racks in front of their retail storefronts.

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