• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Midland’s Unimin Master Plan Study and Interim Control By-law (ICB)

In Midland
Jan 23rd, 2013
FAQs from Town of Midland January 22 2014
Is the Study still underway and Community Workshop still scheduled?
Absolutely! Council is committed to the study and is committed to hearing from as broad a range of residents as possible to get the best ideas and suggestions for the future of this important part of the Town’s waterfront. The Community Workshop will be held at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, January 24th at the North Simcoe Sports and Recreation Centre in the Community Hall (upstairs). This is the community’s opportunity to come and learn more about the study and participate in the process of redefining the vision for the Unimin Waterfront lands.
What is an Interim Control By-law?
An Interim Control By-law (ICB) is a unique tool provided under the Planning Act that allows Council to temporarily suspend current planning permissions and provide “breathing space” during which a planning study can be conducted to determine the appropriate planning policy and zoning controls for a specific parcel of land or area, such as the Unimin Waterfront lands. The breathing space permitted by the ICB helps ensure that uses or land use changes prejudicial to the study and the long term public interest do not occur while the study is underway and being implemented.
Why is Council considering an ICB?
Council has invested significantly in the Waterfront Master Plan Study and is invested in ensuring that the new vision for the Unimin waterfront lands be implemented. The Town is concerned that the existing Zoning permissions for the former plant property would permit a new industrial use on the lands as-of-right and that such a use could impact the study and a vision for a post-industrial waterfront for Midland. As noted above, the ICB is a unique tool available to Council to suspend the current planning permissions and provide a pause while the study is underway.
How would the ICB impact the Study?
Council has committed to the Study and remains committed to the Study. Any decision on an Interim Control By-law will have no impact on the study or its schedule.
Does the ICB restrict the sale of the lands?
No. The ICB does not in any way restrict Unimin’s right to sell their lands.
How can I participate?
First, attend the Community Workshop on Thursday, January 24, 2013 at 6:30 p.m. at the North Simcoe Sports & Recreation Centre and bring your ideas, suggestions, pictures and precedents for a new Waterfront in Midland. You can also provide comments on our Facebook page (facebook.com/blueedgemidland), follow us on Twitter (@blueedgemidland) or email us at blueedgemidland@gmail.com or by contacting the Town staff listed below.
Wes Crown or Andrea Betty, Town of Midland Planning Department, at 705-526-4275 or at wcrown@midland.ca or abetty@midland.ca.

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