• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Sign This Petition to Protect Old-Growth Forests

In Development
Jun 1st, 2021

Please sign and share the petition using this link: https://petitions.ourcommons.ca/en/Petition/Details?Petition=e-3408

Petition e-3408 – Petitions

Petition to the Government of Canada



  • Indigenous peoples have rights and title to their traditional territories and have been stewards of these lands since time immemorial;
  • The climate crisis require action by all levels of government and industry;
  • Old-growth forests provide immeasurable benefits, including carbon sequestration, biodiversity, culture, recreation, education, food and more;
  • Valley-bottom high productivity old-growth ecosystems in British Columbia are endangered;
  • Of the remaining 2.7% of original high productivity old-growth forests in British Columbia, 75% are still slated to be logged;
  • Only 9% of the original 360,000 hectares of valley-bottom high productivity old-growth on Vancouver Island remain today; only 2.6% of those forests are protected in parks;
  • The last unprotected intact old-growth valley on Southern Vancouver Island, Fairy Creek, is slated for logging, along with the upper Walbran Valley and other remaining pockets of old growth; and
  • Most Canadians support sustainable harvesting of second and third growth forests, but do not support logging old-growth trees or destroying their surrounding ecosystems.


We, the undersigned, citizens of Canada, call upon the Government of Canada to:

  • Work with the provinces and First Nations to immediately halt logging of endangered old-growth ecosystems;
  • Fund the long-term protection of old-growth ecosystems as a priority for Canada’s climate action plan and reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples;
  • Support value-added forestry initiatives in partnership with First Nations to ensure Canada’s forestry industry is sustainable, and based on the harvesting of second and third growth forests;
  • Ban the export of raw logs and maximize resource use for local jobs; and
  • Ban the use of whole trees for wood pellet biofuel production.

6 Responses to “Sign This Petition to Protect Old-Growth Forests”

  1. Constance Spek says:

    We can’t recreate old growth forests. It is essential we protect all remaining stands. We have never replicated even an average ‘forest’. We just plant stands of future ‘lumber’. We don’t create functioning ecosystems – just sterile monocultures.

  2. Lou Probst says:

    The picture comparing before and after cutting says it all. Preserve old forests and find the material elsewhere.

  3. Frederick B. Smith md says:

    Please pay attention to these concerns. Elections are coming.

  4. Holly Levinter says:

    Old growth forests are just that. They cannot be replaced. These forests should be preserved for the benefit they do for climate, security, health and environment for animals.

  5. Peter Stubbins says:

    Just got back from 5 weeks supporting the Fairy Creek movement. The fight goes on, well done Aware Simcoe….great to see Constance Spek still in the fray

  6. Lee Large says:

    Old forests – They should be preserved as forests improv the quality of air that we breathe, they can not be replaced once they are gone, and they providefood and ehlter to birds and animals.

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