• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Stand Up with Tiny Township!

In AWARE News Network
Jan 29th, 2021
Rally at Site 41 - summer 2009

Rally at Site 41 – Summer of 2009

From Wellington Water Watchers

On January 14th 2021, a 10 year permit to take water was granted for use in the Teedon gravel pit in Tiny Township, Ontario. We are asking you to take action against this.

The Teedon pit seeks to take water from the adjacent aquifer that is thought to have the purest water in the world! It is no surprise that local residents are concerned for their drinking water as approximately 80% of local residents rely on private wells from this aquifer for their drinking water.

Before 2018 when the Teedon pit’s last PTTW expired, studies showed that the removal of the protective layers on the aquifer were disrupted to the quality of the water and lead to both quality and quantity concerns for residents drinking water. You can learn more in this article, or by visiting their website.

Yet again we see our government granting corporate water takers permits to take water at the expense of the wellbeing of residents, the environment and of course, water.

Stand up with Tiny Township and elevate the message of the local council “we are fundamentally opposed to the extraction and washing of aggregate in environmentally sensitive areas” by submitting your comments to the Environmental Registry of Ontario

Let’s revoke this Permit to Take Water immediately!

Go to: Stand Up with Tiny Township. 

6 Responses to “Stand Up with Tiny Township!”

  1. Margaret Curran says:

    Ontario may have an supposedly award-winning drinking water protection framework to ensure water quality, however, as long as the Aggerate Act remains in favour of the owners of aggerate companies, we must stand together as one voice. In the words of the Minister of Environment: The first step in having clean water to drink is protecting the local, natural sources of water that supply our local systems. This is called source protection.

  2. Rudy Chernecki says:

    Protect clear water for future generations. Surely that’s the least we can do.

  3. Bill Handy says:

    Leave our ground water alone take it from the lake

  4. Lorraine Lang says:

    Soon we will live like third world countries with no clean drinking water, it’s bad enough that our government lets our indigenous relatives live like this. These government officials are really uneducated when it comes to common sense.

  5. Esther Marson says:

    Not only do we need to increase preservation of natural spaces and sources of water, but we need to replenish what has already been stripped from this planet. Reforestation is key to sustain all life on earth. Each time a forest is destroyed to make way for development and exploitation of natural resources, we remove the planet’s ability to maintain natural clean water and purification of air pollutants. Preserving only 25% of our green spaces is not enough to sustain life on this planet, especially with the ever increasing numbers of human population. It is in the best interest of all of us to protect, preserve, and expand our natural surroundings.

  6. John Morgan says:

    Stupidity, greed and a monetary bottom line seems to be the moto of the Conservative Government in Ontario and much of the rest of Canada, where voters have installed false majority blue machines in excess. Liberals are not much better with Canada’s federal government as a prime example. Brokerage parties are an evil curse under first past the post voting system. Wake up voters and educate yourselves before we tank altogether.

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