• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Heritage designation proposed for Tiny railway bridge

In Tiny
Jul 12th, 2012
Report of the July 9 Tiny Council Meeting 
By Vickie Kee AWARE Tiny July 12 2012
Lyn Downer and Joe Allevato, representing the Tiny Historical and Heritage Advisory Committee, brought forth
a proposal to make the old railway bridge on Concession 2 East a cultural designation. It is the only old railway
bridge left in Tiny and is part of the Tiny Trail. 
This same proposal was brought forward back on May 12, 2008
but was turned down by council because of Dump Site 41. Time is a healer and the railway bridge is still there
but needs repair. Deputy-Mayor Lawrence said that the bridge could be spruced up with the addition of the
original sign from the Wyevale train station.
Fairlain Lake water quality
Keith Sherman, Executive Director of the Severn Sound Environmental Association, made a presentation to council
on the water quality of Farlain Lake. The maximum depth is 5.0 metres and there are 360 dwellings. It is a Kettle 
lake with one stream flowing in near the northern part which is fed by groundwater and precipitation. It is on
the same elevation as Second Lake in Awenda Park. The stream is colder than the lake because of the ground
water and it used to be a trout hatchery. The concentrations of metals are 50% les than Copeland creek.
Sherman recommends that a water quality update should be done every five years for Farlain Lake.
Parks Canada cutbakcs 
The cut backs by Parks Canada on the Trent Severn Waterway and the Rideau Canal will affect tourism in the
township says Lawrence.

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