• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Tips for effective action

In Energy
Jun 4th, 2012
By Mariane Cancilla AWARE Simcoe May 21 2012
Learn more … take action … share … join AWARE Simcoe … write letters to your newspapers and online, social media – Facebook, Twitter
Websites have reports, articles links to information … petitions, letters, ideas, videos, resources, etc. to help you with
Challenging industry claims: We (Ontario Clean Air Alliance, and any of the websites given) produce material that shows the true costs and the threats of nuclear electricity, which the industry wants to hide.
Pressuring politicians: Through actions and interventions at hearings, we take on politicians and regulators to force them to tell the public the truth about nuclear costs and risks.
Informing the public: We reach out to Canadians through actions, activities and news events in an effort to inform them of the costs and threats of nuclear energy and of the real solutions to the climate crisis.
AWARE Simcoe
Ontario Clean Air Alliance
SHARE (Simcoe Huronia Association for Renewable Energy)
David Suzuki Foundation 
Council of Canadians
Environmental Defence
Climate Action Network Canada 
Greenpeace Canada
Pressure Government … stop hand-outs to oil, gas and nuclear
Hand out pamplets, etc.  
There are three people that need to hear from you 
Prime Minister Harper – dial (866) 599-4999 and ask to be transfered to the Prime Minister’s office
Minister Flaherty – dial (866) 599-4999 and ask to be transfered to the Minister of Finance’s office (Hon. Jim Flaherty)
Your Member of Parliament – dial (866) 599-4999 and ask to be transfered to your Member of Parliament’s office

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