• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

What was said – AWARE Simcoe news conference on Amendment 1

In Simcoe County
May 25th, 2012
‘Growth is not the answer to the economic crisis of the world’
AWARE Simcoe May 24 2012
Sandy Agnew (AWARE Simcoe), Bill French (AWARE Springwater), Bernard Pope (ontario Farmland Preservation) and Paul Fleming (Midhurst Ratepayers Association) each presented their perspective on Amendment 1 to Ontario’s Growth Plan. The following is the text of their remarks:
Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Thanks you for coming out this morning. My name is Sandy Agnew and I’m a member of the AWARE Simcoe board and chair of our AWARE Growth Subcommittee.
We’ve invited you here to share our views on Amendment 1 of the Provincial Places to Grow Plan, the so called made-in-Simcoe County plan to manage growth to 2031 in Simcoe County. 
This Amendment one has many major shortcomings. 
There is no long-term vision for what the residents of Simcoe County want the County look like in 50 or 75 years. I come from Vaughan. 50 years ago it was a rural farming township. Do we want Simcoe County look like the GTA? 
We need to know what the maximum population is that can be sustainably supported by the land, water and ecological functions of the County? Is it 500,000, a million? How many people is the upper target to live in Simcoe County, Barrie and Orillia? 
The County planning department is telling County Council that this Amendment is a “Good to Go” plan that allows development to proceed in up to 91 Settlement Areas across the county, regardless of the 667,000 number cited by the province. This appears to be based on the myth that all growth in good, always leads to prosperity and can continue forever. 
For starters, the notion that growth can continue forever is utterly ridiculous. It is the philosophy of a cancer cell. And we know that cancer, left untreated, always ends in the death of the host, in this case our planet.
On the other hand, the province is telling us that the 667,000 number stands and they want to see growth directed to the seven Primary Settlement Areas and that there are strict conditions that must be met to allow growth in the non-primary settlement areas.
AWARE Simcoe believes that planning in Simcoe County should be driven by two priorities:
1.  The need to preserve farmland and agricultural activity because these are the essential elements that the county can contribute to the Greater Golden Horseshoe, and 
2.  The need to limit sprawl, because it is a wasteful and short sighted use of precious resources and will irrevocably change our unique and fertile landscape.
Among AWARE Simcoe recommendations to the province are:
1.  A study to determine the level of sustainable population for Simcoe County.
2.  Legislation to protect agricultural businesses as outlined in the Places To Grow vision.
3. Policies to close the loopholes in Sections, and in Amendment 1 allowing unwarranted development.
4. That the Province stand firm with its appeal of the approval of the Midhurst OPA 38 by the County of Simcoe and stop the development on these prime pieces of agricultural land.
My name is Bill French and I am an AWARE representative from Springwater Township.
I have had the opportunity of being close to the growth issue for about 8 years and learned firsthand about the issue while a member of the Committee of Adjustment for Springwater Township, a small municipality of 18,000 bordering Barrie and Wasaga Beach. My initial thinking was that all growth was good growth when I was asked by the mayor and councilor of the day to sit on the committee. As I studied the Provincial Policy Statement, the Places to Grow and the IGAP policies as they unfolded I quickly realized that uncontrolled growth is bad growth and is definitely not sustainable. That is what is happening in Simcoe County if allowed to proceed.
When we talk about sustainability it involved three key factors, the economy, the environment and the social wellbeing of the people. Some people refer to sustainability as people, planet and profits. Without one the system fails.
Let’s look at the economic impact. On the short term, there would be a spike in jobs in the building and service trades, but where will the sustainable jobs come from? The province directs employment lands to be created but no method of restricting residential growth until jobs are created. I was amazed that the economic study undertaken by Springwater Township in 2010 confirmed that almost 90% of non-farm workers left the township for employment. Why would it make sense to add more housing without job creation? In the past most municipalities grew in an orderly and organic fashion to bring people to a community as the job opportunities were created. The world has discovered in the last five years that growth is not the answer to the economic crisis of the world.
Most people have come to realize that we are upsetting the ecological balance in the world today. Creating more bedroom communities is contrary to the intent of the province’s growth directive as the dependence on the automobile must be reduced not increased. The current growth plans promotes commuting. The 7 primary settlements identified in Places to Grow make some sense. They are all close to large bodies of water that can provide both the drinking water and the effluent discharge from their sewage treatment plants. The other 84 settlement areas need to be restricted in growth as they can cause irreversible harm to both the aquifer where they will draw water or the small creeks and tributaries where they will discharge the effluent. In these smaller settlement areas restricted growth on sub surface waste treatment systems must be the order of the day. That means very small developments. We can’t ignore the environment in our thirst for growth.
If we have no jobs and people must spend 2 to 4 hours commuting to seek employment and it takes both partners to make ends meet, how does that improve the social wellbeing and health of the individuals or the community where they live. The simple answer is that it does not. Livable communities are more than parks, trails, bike paths and recreation facilities and places to shop. Communities should be places to live, relax and enjoy the company of your neighbor. With the growth that is planned for Simcoe County in the next few decades, these community aspects will decline and we will see the creation of urban ghettos.
Simcoe County has the opportunity of becoming a model of how good growth should occur. That can only happen if the local and county councils take planning back into their hands, listens to what the current residents have to say and proceed in an orderly fashion. The policy and phasing in each of the municipalities must be created by the local council and not be dictated by the large landowner groups or developers, which has now become the norm in the last ten years.
When the green belt around Toronto was created about 10 years ago, the view was that residential growth will stay close to the large employment centres around the GTA and density will automatically increase. I don’t think anyone imagined that as the land disappeared and was ate up with poorly planned urban sprawl that these large developers would leap frog the green belt and simply treat Simcoe County as an extension of the GTA. That is what is and will happen if the Province and the County fail to control growth and keep the numbers controlled and possibly reduced to avoid the spread of the development disease.
Our hope is that the county will keep the projected number at the 667,000 or less, that growth will be directed to the primary settlement areas and that residential growth is only permitted when jobs are created and there is proof there is a real need for more housing in the communities.
We are at a precipice and if the local municipal councils and the county council do not take charge, then the unique character of both Simcoe County and those 91 settlement areas will be destroyed forever.
It is a pleasure to be able to be here this morning to discuss the opinions of the AWARE Land Use Sub-committee with regard to the Places to Grow legislation.
The main concern that I have, coming from an agricultural background, is that there has been a lack of understanding of the importance of agriculture in our economy.
Currently figures are suggesting that agricultural is the number one value added sector in the Province. The sector, when you look closely, encompasses a huge diversity of enterprise, from the farmer’s markets, to the retail stores that supply farmers, equipment dealers, fertilizer and seed suppliers and all the wages paid through farm work.
Typically, when the farmer or rancher is doing well, so does the economy, because that farmer will buy land, stock, equipment (especially trucks) and other infrastructure for the farm. 
I drive a GMC extend-a-cab 4×4 and when I showed up at a Soil and Crop meeting in Blackstock in February I had the smallest truck in the lot. 
When the AWARE team met with the Provincial Development Facilitator, last June, we stressed the concern that we had for un-required sprawl on the food producing land and as such asked her to incorporate major protection for this land. All the documents dating back to the Policy Statement of 2005, including the Places to Grow document have stated the importance of the preservation of farmland. 
What we want to see is serious legislation that does in fact preserve the land that produces the quality local food that more and more people are demanding.
Since the Province recognizes the value of farming and farmers, I think that, especially now that the global insecurities are so prevalent,  that the County of Simcoe should lead the way by showing the respect for the agricultural sector in the preservation of food producing land. This would be a major component of the Official Plan.
A working group that believes in the holistic progression of our development would serve Simcoe County and the Province and be a model for which others would aspire.
I have to say that being invited to work with the AWARE group is a pleasure.
The public is indeed being served well by the activities in which AWARE is involved.
Midhurst is a village of 3,500 people which is threatened by a development of 28,600 new residents. There are many dimensions to the story of how this development came about but I would like to focus on the changing concepts of how various levels of government control or manage new developments. Recent events indicate that the politicians from three levels of government: municipal, county and provincial, are relinquishing control of new development and are adopting a “laissez faire” attitude. If Midhurst’s experience is any indication of the future of development in Simcoe County, it is likely that there will be massive losses of class 1 & 2 farmland, a large increase in traffic problems, increase in taxes and, of course, the loss of charming villages.
I view these issues from the perspective as the President of the Midhurst Ratepayers’ Association. This is an organization which would like to see slow, “village-sized” growth for the village. I believe that I can understand the issues of development from a historical perspective because I was the Midhurst Councillor in Springwater from 1994 – 2000. During those years I was well-aware of the need to control growth in the Township in order to keep the pleasant rural culture of the villages and hamlets of the Township. Although I believed in controlled growth, this was not a NIMBY reaction. In fact, I along with my fellow councillors of the 1990s felt that growth should take place but, it needed to be gradual and at a pace appropriate to the villages and hamlets of Springwater Township. As a result, our council created a Growth Management plan in 1996 that welcomed growth which would add 6,500 new residents to the Township over twenty years. We also created an Official Plan in 1997 that was based on this Growth Management plan. With these plans, we felt that Midhurst would probably increase in population by about 2,000 new residents by 2016.
On reflecting on my experiences with planning I believe that our council used four main means of managing or controlling new developments within the Township:
1. population limits, e.g. 6,500 new residents
2. limit on the planning period, i.e. 20 years
3. visits to similar developments to those which were proposed
4. genuine consultation with the ratepayers
I was pleased when I read that a subsequent Springwater Council of 2004 used the same population and time line limits to control growth in their new Growth Management study. As well, in 2008 the County of Simcoe, which has approval authority over Springwater’s new developments, indicated that the Township needed to plan for a population expansion of 8,400 new residents over twenty years. I was delighted to learn that the same controls were found in the Province’s “Places to Grow” guidelines, i.e. 24,000 population cap for Springwater or an increase in population of 6,000 residents by 2031. Clearly there was a consistent approach to managing growth that was used by all three levels of government.
After I retired from Springwater Council in 2000 I attended several public meetings dealing with development in Midhurst which was hosted by the Township. I was surprised that the developments proposed seemed to lie outside Midhurst to the east and west; however, there was nothing in the presentations that indicated the number of houses in each development and I assumed that the Township was following the policy established in previous planning documents.
When I attended a public meeting hosted by Springwater Township in November 2011 to hear about development plans for Midhurst I was confident that the settlement would be no more than 2,000 – 3,000 new people. However, I was gobsmacked, horrified, astounded, aghast – choose your own adjective for shocked to discover that the plan called for the addition of 28,600 new residents and that there was no time limit placed on the plans for development. Most of the members of the public had a similar reaction to mine. As well, the Provincial government was also concerned about the plans for massive growth in Midhurst and appealed the Secondary Plan at the Ontario Municipal Board.
After the public meeting at the Township offices in November several concerned Midhurst residents decided to reinvigorate the Midhurst Ratepayer’s Association (MRA) to try to protect the village from this huge growth. Because of the Province’s position on managing Springwater’s growth, the MRA decided to support them in their case at the OMB. As a means of providing a measure of public sentiment on the Secondary Plan, the Ratepayers collected 1,500 names on a petition which indicated support for the Province’s position about the massive plans for growth of Midhurst.
Members of the MRA have been very diligent in attending meetings where the Places to Grow regulations have been discussed. In particular, we have been very keen to monitor the types of controls used to manage development which I mentioned earlier (limit of population for Springwater over twenty years). In fact, these controls on development were reiterated by Ministry of Infrastructure staff in large public meetings held on January 19, 2012 and February 22, 2012. Those of us who make up the Midhurst Ratepayers felt reassured by these controls and it was clear that there would be little difficulty fighting the Midhurst Secondary Plan at the OMB because the Plan clearly violates the requirements imposed by these controls.
However, on May 9, 2012 the County planning staff , after consultations with Provincial planners, presented a report that negated the key tools that municipalities were supposed to use to manage new developments. That is, the planners referenced a section of the new regulations that allowed for new development “in excess of what is needed to accommodate the forecasts in Schedule 7”. In Springwater Township’s case, the Schedule 7 population limit was 6,000 new people over the next twenty years but this interpretation by the County planners makes it clear that the population limit is no longer in effect. Furthermore, the planners indicated that planning for new developments do not need to conform to a schedule such as 20 years and that planning can take place on a much longer basis. These interpretations throw into doubt the resolve of the Province to see growth controlled because it appears that the new regulations leave few, if any controls for municipalities to manage growth.
In the future, according to Simcoe County planners, Simcoe  municipalities will be able to add as many people as they like in new developments. This lack of control over development will increase development pressure and the gradual pace of village-sized growth for places like Midhurst may be a thing of the past. If this view is correct we may see large parts of Simcoe county paved over in the next few years and the rural lifestyle of large portions of Simcoe County will become clones of Toronto.

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