• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Springwater responds to MRA questions

In Springwater
May 10th, 2012
From Springwater Township May 9 3012 
The  Council of the Township of Springwater would like to thank the Midhurst 
Ratepayers’ Association for their presentation to Council on the Midhurst Secondary 
Plan.  During the presentation there were several questions that were posed. The 
following points contain the Township’s responses to the questions presented that 
Question 1: Would Council explain to us why an annual urban growth rate of 30% 
is necessary in our rural village?
Answer: The Township has not designated an annual urban growth rate. There are 
no set annual growth rates for any settlements in the Township of 
Question 2: How does Council plan to protect the existing Village of Midhurst 
from serious traffic congestion? 
Answer: Addressing traffic is important to the Township.  The Township has 
completed work that  includes a traffic study, which evaluates the 
anticipated traffic flows and identifies required upgrades in the settlement
area to address this concern. The upgrades required include additional 
road connections to existing arteries, urbanizing of selected  roads to 
include sidewalks, widening of  some roads from two lanes to four lanes, 
addition of turning lanes, and signalization of key intersections.
Question 3: What measures will Council take to deal with the inevitable land use 
conflicts and damage to our natural environment that will arise from 
intensive urbanization under the Secondary Plan?
Answer: The  Midhurst  Secondary Plan identifies and delineates environmental 
corridors through environmental protection designations to provide for 
natural spaces and connections. The Midhurst Secondary Plan was also 
reviewed by the Ministry of the Environment.  The planning process, 
through plan of subdivision, zoning and site plan, provides tools  for 
Council to control how development will occur. Engineering requirements 
will also be mandated that have strict requirements on  design and 
measures that focus on the protection of the environment. 
For example, treatment of storm water is enhanced (storm water ponds 
which are to also provide an aesthetically pleasing open space area) through
requirements within subdivision agreements to ensure that storm 
water management plans are provided to the satisfaction of the Township 
and Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority (NVCA). One of the 
requirements within a storm water management plan is to reduce or 
remove pollutants from storm water (quality and quantity control) before it 
is conveyed back into the watershed.
Question 4: How much more of the taxpayers’ money does Council propose to 
spend promoting and defending a plan that the voters of Midhurst 
don’t want?
Answer: The Midhurst Secondary Plan has been appealed to the Ontario Municipal 
Board by a number of parties including the Province of Ontario. Township 
Council has not provided any direction to staff for the expenditure of 
taxpayers’ funds towards the defence of the Midhurst Secondary Plan at 
the Ontario Municipal Board. 
Question 5: Will Council do the right thing, repeal the Secondary Plan and 
develop a strategy to work collaboratively with the community to 
create a Secondary Plan that reflects the voice and wishes of the 
voters of Midhurst?
Answer: Consultative sessions were held between 2004 and 2008 prior to the 
approval of the Midhurst Secondary Plan. There have also been several 
Public Information Meetings in 2008 that solicited public input prior to 
approval by Springwater Council in November of 2008. Additional 
meetings were held afterwards to give ratepayers an opportunity to gain 
additional information on the Secondary Plan. A schedule showing these 
meeting dates is included in the Midhurst Secondary Plan section of the 
Township website. (Municipal Services > Planning & Development > 
Midhurst Secondary Plan)
The Midhurst Secondary Plan was developed as an integral part of the 
Township’s future planning and growth requirements. Planning policy 
requires a balance of competing interests and the provision of equity and 
accountability for all citizens and affected stakeholders. There are many 
different types of citizens (residential, corporate) within the Township, and 
as a result, the answer to what is the “right thing” depends on the 
perspective of who is asking the question. As such, the “right thing” as 
mentioned, may be perceived to be in the best interests of the residents of 
Midhurst, but may not be in the overall public interest of the Township as a 
whole. Therefore, Council’s position moving forward will need to consider 
the impacts to the citizens (resident, corporate) and the Township as a
The Midhurst Secondary Plan is currently before the Ontario Municipal 
Board. In these circumstances, the Ontario  Municipal  Board now has 
jurisdiction over the Secondary Plan and it is questionable whether it is 
legally open to the Township to repeal it unilaterally in any event. The 
Township’s status before the  Ontario  Municipal  Board is essentially the 
same as that of the Province and other parties to the  Ontario Municipal 
Board appeals. The Township can advocate for changes to the Secondary 
Plan at the  Ontario  Municipal  Board, but any changes would have to 
conform to the Growth Plan  including Amendment #1 as the solution 
imposed by the Province for the Midhurst Secondary Plan.

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