• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Letter to Environment Minister John Gerretsen

In Uncategorized
Sep 10th, 2009

September 4th, 2009
Dear Mr. Gerretsen,
It’s been almost two weeks since we met with you and your staff,
You promised to make a request to Simcoe County that the calibrated computer model be released.
We would like to know if that request has been made and if there has been a response.
The immediate occasion of our trip to Toronto was contamination that was evident in local artesian flows and wells.
All we have been told by the ministry is that the levels of contamination are “within acceptable limits for turbidity and nutrients” – which is hardly the point when we were promised the dump would have no effect on neighbouring water supplies. These negative impacts indicate serious errors in modelling.
Furthermore, the ministry’s drinking water standard permits contaminant levels thousands times higher than the levels found in our water, which has tested as pure as ancient Arctic ice. We want to preserve our standard – so we do not find ministry assurances that the water is “within acceptable levels” reassuring.
The dewatering continues. We are very concerned and would have hoped to have had a full exposition of the ministry’s investigation into whether the dewatering is linked to the off-site effects so there can be public input on whether this process should be immediately halted.
There is a toxic plume that leached from another MoE-monitored dump that has changed direction and is headed for Wyevale. We fear that the dewatering may reinforce whatever underground forces have caused the change of direction.
We would also have hoped to have had at least some of our other concerns addressed, namely:
-a lack of consultation with affected First Nations. Beausoleil First Nation and Kawartha Nishnawbe First Nation are opposed to Site 41.
-the failure of the ministry to enforce its legislation
-current construction that falls under 11 amendments to the Certificate of Approval that have not yet been approved
-construction in the former Dyer property without appropriate archeological investigation.
-the failure of the ministry to answer questions from the Site 41 Community Monitoring Committee regarding the anomalous results of borehole 5, and who peer-reviewed the 2007 consolidated report,
-the “reasonable use” policy that permits contamination as long as it is below certain levels,
-and the attempted intimidation of Ritchie-Nahuis, a member of the Site 41 Community Monitoring Committee, by an MoE inspector who called her at home to advise her that he didn’t only inspect landfills, he was also looking at an aerial shot of her farm.
Please consider this an urgent request.
Yours sincerely,
Vicki Monague, Anishinabe Kweag
Anne Ritchie-Nahuis, Site 41 Community Monitoring Committee
Don Morgan. Tiny Township resident
Doris Dumais, director of the approvals branch
Ian Parrott, manager of the environmental assessment and approvals branch
J. Kevin McLean, senior advisor, aboriginal affairs branch
Tim Hudak, leader, Ontario Progressive Conservative Party
Andrea Horwath, leader, Ontario New Democratic Party
Frank de Jong, leader, Green Party of Ontario


linda b says:
September 4, 2009 at 5:16 pm
I received a form letter response today from the Minister – on paper with a signature though – and he reassured me that all was just peachy with Site 41, an MOE person will be monitoring it all and we do not need to worry. A nice little drawing showing why we need not worry was attached.

I think this current government (McGuinty and all) just has no respect for Ontarians and certainly not the people protesting this dump!


Kelly says:
September 4, 2009 at 8:19 pm
It is disturbing that the Ontario Ministry of the Environment and provincial leaders are ignoring the urgency of this matter. Why has the MoE not ordered a stop to the dewatering?? There was no problem from pumping delays during the blockade. When neighbouring well waters are affected we expect our MoE to take immediate action! What is going on at the MoE and where is our provincial leadership??

Stepen says:
September 4, 2009 at 8:26 pm
First of all what is the value of this mail box, dmcguinty@premier.gov.on.ca), if they will not read the mail?
Here from the MOE site itself are the duties of the MOE.

Ontario borders on four of the five Great Lakes and we have more than a quarter of a million lakes, rivers and streams and rich groundwater resources ….
This natural wealth is a blessing. It’s the basis for our prosperity, our growth and our quality of life.
The Ministry of the Environment is responsible for protecting clean and safe air, land and water to ensure healthy communities, ecological protection and sustainable development for present and future generations of Ontarians.
The government’s aim is to protect both our drinking water and our fresh water resources at large from pollution, whether it’s from industrial sources, sewage systems, chemicals in use at farms,
or any other source – even rainwater containing particulates from polluted air.

Protecting water at its source is the first step in ensuring that every Ontarian has access to safe drinking water.
By stopping contaminants from getting into sources of drinking water — lakes, rivers and aquifers — we can provide the first line of defense in the protection of our environment and the health of Ontarians.
It would seem to me that for the MOE to NOT follow its own mandate, by building the dump site in this location, constitutes a wanton or reckless disregard for the lives or safety of other persons.

Ummm that sounds like criminal negligence.

Any good lawyers out there interested in a case like that. How about a class action suit of some kind …

Ann Truyens says:
September 4, 2009 at 8:32 pm
You’re right Linda..the McGuinty government is a disgrace and refuses to act on this issue.

I think that’s why Tony Guergis is so arrogant and ruthless because he knows McGuinty will just sit tight and back him up by not removing the C of A.

The MOE is a joke in this province!

Stepen says:
September 4, 2009 at 8:37 pm
Is it Genivar that has contracted to build dump site 41?

GENIVAR Income Fund Acquires Jagger-Hims Limited an Ontario-Based Firm Specialized in Earth and Environmental Sciences http://www.newswire.ca/en/releases/archive/May2009/20/c5648.html

Is this not a conflict of interest?
No wonder they will not release the report…

Elsie Maclaren says:
September 4, 2009 at 9:59 pm
Let’s all cut and paste MOE’s mandate as Stepan has pointed out and send it to Gerretson. Guess they have forgotten what their job is and what they are being paid for!

Ron says:
September 5, 2009 at 10:15 am
To all concerned, I would first of all like to congratulate you for banding together to stop the outrageous proposal of building a Garbage Dump on top of the Alliston Aquifer.
Secondly, I always assumed the purpose of the Ontario Environment Ministry was to protect our drinking water, not contaminate it. It is obvious that McGuinty’s government has turned a deaf ear to this matter. I wonder how concerned he will be come next election. Unfortunately, he was voted in but he can also be voted out.

jim tolnai says:
September 5, 2009 at 4:17 pm
This whole sorry affair is nothing but pure politics. Ontarions have been betrayed by all political parties on this Site 41. Short of an armed revolt the only option is a class action law suit. But not just against the MOE or the Ontario Government. We need to include each and every politican who has had their grubby hands in this pie. As I wrote the other day the surrounding property owners whose wells have been contaminated should be the ones suing as they can prove a loss immediately. I think all 9,000 of us could become secondary plaintifs. If we all kicked in just $10 each we could hire a top notch law firm . Some real hardas**s who would go for the jugular or should I say their wallets??? Get them on the stand under oath and see what we get.
But in the meantime the same landowners should be demanding a police investigation of their well contamination. As in Walkerton they have the power to lay charges and they have and can get convictions.
jim tolnai

mr.wilson says:
September 6, 2009 at 8:47 am

that is a link to a good little video about how things work.

Sue says:
September 6, 2009 at 12:59 pm
Thanks Mr.Wilson for posting such a great clip. Would love to see that clip used in schools!

Kelly says:
September 6, 2009 at 7:57 pm
Thanks Mr. Wilson for providing this link. If anyone has not seen the “story of stuff” it is well worth viewing – especially for those of us fighting to stop landfills/incineration! It’s helpful in reminding us how and why we have so much garbage AND how we can stop the cycle!!

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