• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Council receives Beamish presentation on proposed expanded quarry

In Purest Water
Feb 15th, 2012
Report from February 13 Tiny Township Council Meeting 
By Vickie Kee AWARE Tiny February 15 2012 
Les Selby Consulting Services, on behalf of K. J. Beamish Construction Company, gave their oral submission to council. They are
hoping to expand their Aggregate Pit License, Class A, Category 3, on the north half of lot 80, Concession 1 in Tiny. 
An official
plan amendment and traffic study are not required, said Selby. The exit will be on Darby Road, which is already used for the 
existing pit. There will be 600,000 tons per year of aggregate taken from this new pit which will be above the water table.
Selby mentions that there is a new growth of trees on this property because of the logging that was done here. He says that
there are some 100 year old trees on this property which Deputy-Mayor Lawrence notices as being a contradiction to the previous
statement. Both Marshall and Carpenter Roads abut the property. Councillor Claire asks if they will be washing the gravel. A
representative from Beamish replied that there already is a water permit in place. A rehabilitation plan will be sent with all of the
papers for this expansion to staff. The reason for this expansion is to get at the higher grade of stone and gravel. There is still
a lot of area left in the existing pit to tap into. According to Selby, this expansion will not have any impact on the environment.
Later in the evening, Council voted 5-0 on a motion to receive this submission for information.
 Update On Balm Beach Parking
The township had a survey done of the land around the Balm Beach area. Council has decided that they need to contact a lawyer to find 
out what the township’s rights are on this matter. Councillor Claire comments that they have to be very careful on what they decide on.
Councillor Wishart says that there needs to be meetings held between the business owners and staff and council. This issue has been
handed back to the staff again.
County yard waste collection targeted
Mayor Miller and Deputy-Mayor Lawrence are teaming together to see if they can change the decision that the County made on uniform leaf 
and yard waste. Miller wants to know if any of the other townships have been given any special treatment on other issues by the County.
He has asked the staff to help on this matter.
Carbon monoxide detector 
Tiny Township’s new fire chief ,Tony Mintoff, has stated that the Township needs a carbon monoxide detector law. Council agrees.

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