• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Nestle presentation leaves Tiny councillors speechless

In Purest Water
Oct 12th, 2011
Tiny Township Council Meeting October 11 2011
By Vickie Kee AWARE Tiny October 12 2011
John Challinor, representing Nestle Waters Of Canada, gave his presentation to Tiny Council on Tuesday.
The corporation is protesting the decision of Tiny Council in making the Township the First Blue Community in Ontario, meaning the banning of bottled water in its municipal facilities. 
Nestle Waters blames the Council Of Canadians and the Canadian Union Of Public Employees,CUPE, for discrediting their industry and its products and services.
This person, Challinor, goes on to say that the Blue Communities Project is a well-intentioned but misguided attack on their industry. It is developed solely to encourage Canadian municipalities to ban the sale of bottled water in their facilities under the guise of human rights and infrastructure management. 
Challinor tells Tiny Council the changes that need to be made in the three motions that were passed which resulted in Tiny becoming a Blue Community. 
I guess that Nestle Waters has not done their homework on Tiny Township! If they had, they would have realized that four out of the five Tiny councillors fought hard against Dump Site 41 and have a good understanding of the issues involving water.
Challinor finally ends his presentation and asks for questions.
Nobody has any. There is a cold silence and nobody even smiles. Mayor Ray Millar finaly says thankyou and Challinor leaves.
Die-offs on Tiny shores
Dead fish and birds are washing up on the beaches of Tiny from Woodland Beach,going north says Councillor Andre Claire. Wasaga Beach has the same problem for two years. The birds are eating the dead fish so it could be botulism. according to the ministry of natural resources. The health unit has been contacted.

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