• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Stakeholder groups not invited to Ontario’s aggregate reform summit

In Issues
Mar 25th, 2019
MNRF Minister John Yakabuski

MNRF Minister John Yakabuski

News release from the North Dufferin Agriculture and Community Taskforce March 21 2019

The Ontario government has introduced another threat to moraines, water protection and perhaps the Green Belt.

John Yakabuski, Minister of Natural Resources and Forests is holding a “Summit on Aggregate Reform” , March 29, 2019 in Caledon, with Industry Partners, Municipal and Indigenous Leaders.

The location has not been disclosed nor have stakeholders been invited.

The Ontario Sand Stone and Gravel Association (OSSGA) have put forward their plan called, “Untangling Red Tape: Helping Make Ontario Open For Business”.Untangling Red Tape – OSSGA

The OSSGA report includes recommendations to either remove aggregate land use decisions from the Niagara Escarpment Commission (NEC) or that the government should even reconsider the requirement for the NEC itself.

The OSSGA report also suggests there is no need to protect the habitat of species at risk because the species may be harmed by factors other than a loss of habitat.

It would appear the OSSGA” Untangling Red Tape” document is unbalanced and appears to serve to make the industry more profitable, not reducing red tape.

Please sign the Wellington Water Watchers petition calling on Minister John Yakabuski to open the Aggregate Summit to all stakeholders

4 Responses to “Stakeholder groups not invited to Ontario’s aggregate reform summit”

  1. Louisa McCutcheon says:

    Seems like we have been fighting this forever. Leave our water alone.

  2. Helen Page says:

    No decisions to change/interfere with or restructure any aspect of this area’s resources, should be even considered, without full disclosure/open discussion, and agreement, with the taxpayers and residents here.

  3. Andrea Villanovich says:

    if we keep destroying our natural resources, we will destroy animal habitat, our clean water sources and will begin to see erosion and loss of forestation which will ultimately lead to global warming. Stop abusing your political power! You were elected by constituents who didn’t vote for you because you were secretly going to destroy the province! Leave the environment alone!

    • John Morgan says:

      Check areas of the world and see what is happening. South Africa has lost most if not all groundwater, Many States in the US have limited groundwater and the list goes on. Much of our forests are being destroyed by growth. Many animals, birds and other wildlife are disappearing because of habitat destruction. All of this is leaving a bleak future for our future generations, this for greed. Many of these are off-shore Hedge Funds raping Ontario and stealing its resources. Is this what we want? This Is not Ontario for our kids and grand kids. This is plunder for profit.

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