• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Prehearing on Teedon Pit expansion to resume next year

In Council Watch
Dec 5th, 2018
Drumming before the start of the preheating. -AWARE Simcoe photo

Drumming outside the township office before the start of the prehearing. -AWARE Simcoe photo

AWARE News Network

A Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT) prehearing conference regarding an application by CRH Group Inc. to expand the Teedon Pit has been put over until mid-summer or possibly next fall at the request of the applicant, CRH Group Inc.

CRH lawyer Jonathan Kahn told LPAT panellist John Douglas that postponement for six months would allow for a consolidation of hearings into two matters that he said will rely on the same evidence.

More information

The first issue, the subject of today’s prehearing at the Tiny Township municipal office, is an appeal by CRH under the Planning Act of the township’s failure to deal with its application to change the designation and zoning on property on the Simcoe Uplands Moraine to allow aggregate extraction.

The second is an application for a licence under the Aggregate Resources Act. Kahn said CRH will begin a mandatory 45-day consultation on the licence application in the new year. ‘

About 40 people were in attendance today, with several complaining they had not been served notice of the prehearing despite living within the 120 metres prescribed by the Planning Act and so had not had time to make necessary arrangements for involvement.

Douglas directed that further notice be given of the resumption of the prehearing, for which he set a provisional date of July 2, 2019.

He granted party status to the Federation of Tiny Township Shoreline Associations. Judith Grant, representing FoTTSA, said the group is considering hiring a lawyer for the proceedings.

Bonnie Pauze, a neighbour of the Teedon Pit, told Douglas she had not received notice of the prehearing despite being within 50 metres of the CRH property.

“My perfect water that I had since 1993 has become silt-laden since construction of a wash water plant and expansion of the aggregate pit,” she told him.

She asked for approval as a participant with the option of becoming a party.  She added that a new group is being formed, Friends of the Simcoe Moraine, that will seek incorporation and party status.

(Groups must be incorporated in order to be involved in the LPAT process, but individuals may speak for themselves.)

AWARE Simcoe was approved as a participant but chair Don Morgan indicated it might seek party status when the prehearing resumes. Several other groups and individuals were approved as participants, some also reserving the right to move to party status. Morgan also raised the issue of indigenous rights.

The Simcoe Uplands Moraine is the recharge area for an aquifer that has been shown to have the cleanest water ever tested. In 2009, the Anishinaabe Kweag joined with farmers, cottagers and residents to stop a landfill (Dump Site 41) from being built on top of this aquifer.

6 Responses to “Prehearing on Teedon Pit expansion to resume next year”

  1. Deb Brown says:

    Thank you Aware Simcoe for all you do. For your ongoing efforts on behalf of Simcoe County environment and water. For your informative articles. For the time put into attendance at the many events. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to each and every one of you.

    I was glad to be there at the OMB pre-hearing featured in this article yesterday. As always when I am with other water Protectors, I come away with my heart full. It was great to see how many individuals and groups are working to protect our water.

  2. Rev. Meg Jordan says:

    Excellent reporting Kate!. Clear and informative.
    I was there with my clergy collar on and will continue to be involved as an observer. I may change my status to participant and/or party depending upon the results of consultations with colleagues in the United Church of Canada and KAIROS. I believe this is a human rights and ecological justice issue–and I am getting sick and tired of corporations acting like they own the earth!

  3. Donna Deneault says:

    I like that a group will become incorporated as the Friends of the Simcoe Moraine. I am hoping that before 6 months’ time, Mike Schreiner and Ian Arthur will have come up with a solution, as well as the Scientists: Dr. John Cherry and Dr. William Shotyk…so that we will all see the Alliston Aquifer under Permanent Protection forever.

  4. Donna Deneault says:

    I also want to ask: does anyone remember the environmental lawyer, who helped us through stopping Dump Site 41? I am wondering if he could help now? I don’t recall his name.

  5. John Morgan says:

    From what I can determine, free, prior and informed consent for Dufferin to expand must happen. Not just an okay from the local band council. This according to Sections 35 and 37 of the Constitution and the international law under UNDRIP. So far this has not taken place with all Indigenous in the water shed.

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