• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Deputy mayor asks for details on expense spending again

In Midland
Feb 23rd, 2011
By Douglas Glynn Midland Free Press Feb 22 2011
Deputy Mayor Stephan Kramp has renewed his request for details about the Midland Police Services Board’s 2010 conference expenses.
Kramp – one of two newly-appointed council members on the board – first raised the issue in December when he asked why conference expenses were $8,000 over budget.
But when the topic came up in January, he indicated he was satisfied and didn’t pursue the matter further.
At the board’s February meeting, however, he told board chair Rob McKenzie he is renewing his request for the information.
Kramp explained he had backed off in January because he received an email from a board member that “made me feel uncomfortable about continuing to ask about conference attendance.”
McKenzie suggested that any discussion of the email should be in-camera.
Kramp replied that he was not going to talk about the email. He did not name the board member who sent the email.
“As a result of further reflection,” he continued, “I do not think that I would be conducting my duties as a member if I did not continue to follow through with the original question.
“I would like to make a request that we receive a report on the conference expenses for 2010, because there was an $8,000 overrun.”
However, he modified his request, saying he is interested in information about conferences attended by the Council representatives on the board in 2010, not necessarily those of police officers.
“I just think that if I did not follow through with this I would not be conducting my affairs with the level of integrity that I need to as a board member,” he added.
McKenzie said the information could be obtained from the police service’s administrative assistant.
Kramp said he would like to discuss the email “at some point in the future, not necessarily at this meeting, as our entire board is not here.”
He agreed the discussion should take place in-camera because it is a personal matter.
“I did receive some advice on how I should handle this. he suggestion was that I have a communication with the board member personally and try to discuss it,” Kramp explained.
“I made the attempt to do that. The member has not been forthcoming in having the communication. So this is the route, unfortunately, I have to take and would like to so at the next board meeting.”

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