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Penetanguishene mayor sends out weekly newsletter

In Penetanguishene
Jan 24th, 2011

AWARE Simcoe January 24 2011
The Mayor of Penetangusihene writes a weekly newsletter and sends it out to everyone who would like one. There is also one posted on the bulletin board in the Library and they are available for pick-up at the Town Office each week – a great way of letting the residents of Penetang see what is happening, what meetings are being held and when, so that they can attend if they wish. A great example of communication and inclusiveness.
This is the most recent newsletter (the third), sent out on Sunday January 23, 2011
From Mayor Gerry Marshall
As I sat at the table last Sunday morning I noted how nice it was to live in an area with four distinct seasons. This morning though I do have to admit I am quite happy to be on the inside looking out as it is a might fresh outside with a wind chill temperature of -29C!
Some week that was highlights;
The first Economical Development Committee meeting of the year was held this past Wednesday morning and I can share that the Committee members were fully engaged, enthusiastic and forward thinking! This is going to be a very strong and impactful group.
The Winterama update meeting was held last Monday evening with a great turnout.  I am happy to report that despite a late December start this year’s Winterama progress is amazing.  We will be hosting both traditional events along with several new events.  This year will be a substantial step forward in our efforts to recapture the Winterama glory days that we all remember.  I do thank everyone for going the extra mile in their efforts to make this years Winterama something special.
On Wednesday evening the first of three Joint Urban Growth Node consultation meetings was held with citizens from both Midland and Penetanguishene in attendance.  The meeting was well attended, very interactive and very informative.  The major part of the evening saw attendees broken out in to eight different working groups with each group given an hour to brainstorm as to what shared opportunities and initiatives the two towns should take advantage of. A second Urban Growth Node meeting will be held in Midland on February 17th. We will at this meeting share the results from meeting one and again we will break into work groups to delve deeper as to what items should take priority and what are the best move forward approaches to do so. 
The upcoming week
This upcoming week is heavily budget focussed.   On Monday morning (8:00 a.m. at the arena in the John Desroches Boardroom) Jamie Robitaille will Chair the Recreation & Cultural Services Section meeting. Items of interest include a continuing discussion on the upcoming January 29th  town dock public consultation meeting, a curling club update from Keith Robillard, a review of the proposed Library budget, a review of the proposed Museum budget and a continued review of the overall 2011 Recreation and Cultural Services operating and capital budgets.
On Monday afternoon at 2 p.m. (at Townhall) Finance and Corporate Services Chair Darryl O’Shea will lead us through a 2011 budget leaden agenda that will see us start with a review of the strategic budget analysis which is a fancy way of saying we will be looking at the high level budget numbers to gain a quick snapshot of where we stand in regards to our overall operating and capital spending targets. We will continue from this point to review each departmental budget by digging deeper into the line by line operating details. We will apply the same diligence to our review of the 2011 Capital budget.   One other item on the agenda that is worthy to note is that we will be discussing a recommendation from the Recreation & Cultural Services Section to approve moving forward with Requests for Proposals to build a new Rotary Park based Pavilion /Washroom/Kiosk facility.  This Pavilion would replace the previous facility that was demolished in 2009.
On Tuesday, Deputy Mayor Pat Marion and I are off to County Council where once again the major item on the table is the 2011 County of Simcoe Budget.  As I shared last week it is my continued belief that the budget being proposed has room for improvement and that more time is required to properly review and understand this budget. I will be recommending to my fellow County Councillors that we in fact take more time to review this budget and further that during this extended time period we review the overall budgeting processes and procedures. 
On Tuesday evening while I attend the Children’s Aid Society Board of Directors meeting in Barrie Councillor Jamie Robitaille will Chair the Trails committee meeting (Townhall at 7 p.m. in the Committee room). At present our Trails committee is primarily attended by those from within our community who enjoy the trails while snowmobiling. We would like to encourage other user groups such as those who may walk, run, bird watch, snowshoe or enjoy our trails in other ways to join this committee, if you could spread this word for us we would certainly appreciate you doing so.  
On Wednesday, police review committee members Peter King and Thom Lackie have been invited to join Councillor Brad Saunders and I and the rest of the Police Services Board members for a full day review of OPP operations which includes a tour of the Orillia based OPP Police Headquarters. This of course is a crucial first step in our overall review of our policing options. 
On Wednesday evening were right back to it with a full Council meeting (7 p.m. in the Council Chambers).  I should note that we have two very important presentations being made at this meeting.  The first is a Georgian Manor Development update from Jane Sinclair and the second is a presentation that sees County of Simcoe CAO Mark Aiken review the County of Simcoe roles and responsibilities as they relate to our Town.  This meeting will also see full Council review a recommendation to approve the Joint Urban Growth Node submission.  
Thursday evening Councillor Erin Chapelle, Councillor Mike Mayotte and I are off to the first Museum Committee meeting of the year (7:30 p.m. at the Museum) while at the same time Councillor Darryl O’Shea is off to the first Airport Commission meeting of the year.
One of the really neat things about being Mayor is that you do get the opportunity to attend some very fun events.  I had one of these opportunities last night where Janice and I had the pleasure of attending a birthday celebration for Alida Desroches who has just turned 104 years old!  It was a great time, with lots of music, dancing and fiddle playing. What was truly amazing is that Alida had broken her hip this past September and despite this she was up dancing a time or two!  We should all be so lucky as to be blessed with such strong genes, Happy 104th Alida!
Don’t forget those Arena stories, we want that $100,000!!  Please go to  www.cbc.ca/sports/hockey/hockeyville/home/en/index.shtml  to submit your stories.
Please mark your calendars for next Saturday at 1 p.m. for the Town Dock presentation which will be held at Brian Orser Hall.
I better wrap this up as Janice and I are off to check out the Garage sale and enjoy some pancakes at the Legion and then were off to the Alzheimer Society Walk for Memories which is occurring at the Mountainview Mall from Noon – 1 p.m. today.  This is a fund raising event for the very worthwhile cause, if you’re in the mall be sure to say hi!  
And as always if you know of anyone who would like to be on this weekly update please contact Stacey and she will gladly add them to the list, conversely if you do not wish to receive this email please let Stacey (scooper@penetanguishene.ca) know and she will remove your name from the list
Je vous souhaite bonne fin de semaine!  /  Wishing you a fantastic week!

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