• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Ontario Tree Seed Plant: Open letter to Premier Wynne and Minister McGarry

In Council Watch
Jan 10th, 2018
Jim Wilson MPP

News release from MPP Jim Wilson

Today, Simcoe-Grey MPP Jim Wilson sent an open letter to Premier Kathleen Wynne and the Minister of Natural Resources Kathryn McGarry about concerns he continues to hear over the closure of the Ontario Tree Seed Plant in Angus.

“I continue to get consistent feedback that people aren’t being listened to,” said Wilson. “It’s worrisome that this government is ignoring experts and stakeholders, particularly when it will impact an entire industry of jobs and environmental initiatives.”

“This is the same government that canceled the Slots at Racetracks Program with full knowledge that it may “collapse” the horse racing industry as disclosed in court documents this past October,” continued Wilson. “I don’t want this to be another Liberal decision that results in the devastation or loss of another thriving rural industry in Ontario.”

Wilson’s letter comes after sending multiple other letters to the government and receiving the same template response in return with no concessions made. It also comes after repeatedly raising the issue in question period. You can watch clips of the exchanges in the links below.

QUESTION – November 28, 2017

QUESTION – November 15, 2017

QUESTION – October 4, 2017

Wilson urges the public to continue contacting Premier Kathleen Wynne directly about the issue. The Premier’s office can be reached by phone: 416-325-1941, email: kwynne.mpp.co@liberal.ola.org, or mail: Room 281, Main Legislative Building, Queen’s Park, Toronto, Ontario, M7A 1A1.

See also

Why, Minister McGarry, why?

And: Sign the petition!

2 Responses to “Ontario Tree Seed Plant: Open letter to Premier Wynne and Minister McGarry”

  1. Robert McFadden says:

    The Seed Plant in Angus should remain open.

    • Barb A says:

      I agree with you……..What is the reason for the close in the first place? Is it just to leave people with no work or is there an actual real reason for this? Are the Liberals planning to give this Seed Plant over to a friendly Liberal donator or are they just nasty people?

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