• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

“If we have the best water in the world, why put this valuable asset at risk?”

In Council Watch
Sep 22nd, 2017
Professor William Shotyk

Open letter to Premier Kathleen Wynne from William Shotyk, Ph.D. , Dr. rer. nat. habil., P.Ag., president of the Elmvale Foundation and Bocock Chair for Agriculture and the Environment, University of Alberta

Re: protecting the spring waters of Springwater and Tiny Townships

Dear Premier Wynne,

Since my suggestion late last year to protect the Oro Moraine, I have learned with tremendous disappointment that your government has approved expansion of the aggregate quarries.

I was not able to attend the recent local meeting on this issue (September 19, 2017), but a neighbour kindly read the statement below, prepared by the Elmvale Foundation.

I have done my best to explain how clean this water is. Our message about the purity of these artesian springs, and the intrinsic values of this water, appears to have been lost on your government.

But I have no doubt that the message has not been lost on the citizens of Ontario.

September 19 2017 Statement

“The artesian springs of Springwater, Tiny and Tay Townships represent what is arguably the cleanest natural water on Earth.

“Every effort should be made to protect these aquifers for future generations to enjoy, as they are enjoyed today: these waters have supported the inhabitants of the region for millennia.

“Expanding aggregate quarries and dumping bitumen-containing industrial materials such as asphalt will reduce the extent of the soil zone which filters percolating rainwater, and increase the risk of contaminating the groundwaters; ultimately, there may also be consequences for surface waters.

“Expanding the industrial utilization of the groundwater recharge area is the polar opposite of the action needed to protect these waters.

“Having tested these waters for more than 25 years, first in my lab in Switzerland, then Germany, and now here in Alberta, I have no doubt about their unique quality and inherent value.

“If we have the best water in the world, why put this valuable asset at risk?”

2 Responses to ““If we have the best water in the world, why put this valuable asset at risk?””

  1. Marty Bruce says:

    Before digging new aggregates the province should mandate the recycling of the piles of construction rubble.

  2. Leave our precious waters and aquifers alone before nothing is left!!! Are you not aware of the consequences or do you prefer to ignore and watch karma unfold??? If you are unaware and believe money comes first, it’s time to wake up.

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