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New Tec ward boundaries debated

In New Tecumseth
Oct 25th, 2010

By Maija Hoggett Oct 20, 2010
BEETON – New Tecumseth candidates’ thoughts on the revised ward boundaries being used for the first time in this year’s election were debated in Beeton Oct. 13.
The meeting organized by the Alliston Herald and held at the Beeton Arena hall had Ward 6 (Beeton) and Ward 8 (Tottenham) candidates squaring off, as well as the candidates for mayor and deputy mayor. Marilyn Holmstrom was the moderator for the debate.
In 2009, New Tecumseth council revised its ward boundaries for the first time since amalgamation in 1991. The revisions meant an additional councillor for Alliston (there are three now) and one more councillor for rural residents (which now have two councillors). Tottenham’s representation was reduced from two councillors to one.
With the new system, the Oct. 25 municipal election will see a new 10-person council elected, one councillor elected in each of the eight wards, and the mayor and deputy mayor elected at large.
Realigning the ward boundaries was a contentious issue when council tackled it last year. In this election campaign, candidates are also taking a stance on the changes.
Before the question was put to candidates, Ward 8 incumbent Jess Prothero addressed the ward boundary changes in his opening speech Wednesday night.
Prothero, who voted in favour of the change in the June 2009 vote, said the town took a step towards democracy in realigning the wards.
“The argument that Tottenham has lost a voice is simply not true,” said Prothero.
Prothero rationalized that with the current system when the two Tottenham councillors disagree and vote differently the south end voice is cancelled out.
Jim Stone, Tottenham’s second councillor during this past term, disagrees.
“The ward boundary adjustments are a disaster for Tottenham,” said Stone, adding that the changes disenfranchise Tottenham. In seeking the sole Ward 8 seat this election, Stone has made it clear one of his goals is to see Tottenham’s second seat returned.
Ward 8 candidate Joe Sutherland also wants the south end of town to have more clout.
Since amalgamation in 1991 Tottenham has had two members on council and “that should never change,” said Sutherland.
Elias Lafazanos, the final Ward 8 candidate, said “the ward system in New Tecumseth is a farce.”
Lafazanos said council should consist of a mayor, deputy mayor, and three councillors.
Iain Mackay answered first for the Ward 6 Beeton candidates.
Mackay said the town doesn’t need a 10-member council. He supports a council with a mayor, deputy mayor, and five councillors.
Political newcomer Stephen Mrasek agrees with the ward boundary changes, but said that the two rural wards are too big.
Terry Mason said he agrees with the changes as well.
Beeton’s incumbent councillor Richard Norcross voted in favour of the boundary changes at council. He said the community is changing and getting more diverse, and the town had to do something.
Norcross noted that council is committed to reviewing the ward boundary changes in four years, before the next municipal election.
For the mayoral candidates, Tom Carter said he likes the new arrangement.
“The way they’ve laid it out isn’t bad, but it does need some fine tuning,” said Carter.
MacEachern said he supports the boundary changes because of the fairness it brings to councillors, who are now representing roughly the same number of constituents.
Rick Milne, the incumbent deputy mayor who is re-seeking the same seat, voted against the changes at council. He said Alliston should have remained with two councillors and Tottenham should have retained its two seats.
Bo Niederhuber said the change is fine. Over the next four years he said the town will learn how the new system works.
Christine Brayford represented Alliston during the last term and is vying for the deputy mayor’s seat this election.
Brayford is not in favour of the ward boundary changes and was one of four votes against the realignment in 2009. Boundaries, she said, are divisive in nature.


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