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Council, not PAC members, disbanded O-M Planning Advisory Committee

In Oro-Medonte
Oct 10th, 2010

By Kate Harries AWARE Simcoe October 09 2010
Candidates at the Oro-Medonte Ward 4 / Deputy Mayors all-candidates’ debate last Thursday had very different answers when asked whether they would re-instate the township’s Planning Advisory Committee.

Ralph Hough (candidate deputy mayor) The Planning Advisory Committee was sort of put in limbo until we do have to bring our Official Plan in conformity with the County Official Plan. The County Official Plan has been sitting in Queens Park for something close to 18 months or more and it’s very difficult to know what we have to bring it into conformity to. So there’s not a lot of point in spending taxpayers dollars trying to bring it into conformity when we don’t know what it has to conform with.
Sandy Agnew (candidate deputy mayor) You’ve heard that the Planning Advisory Committee dissolved itself. That’s not true. There was a motion (to dissolve) that was put forward by two members of the committee that was defeated 3-2. So it was council that disbanded it. I’m all in favour of reinstating it. I think there’s valuable work that we can do looking at the Official Plan – how to bring in things like the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan into it and other issues.
John Crawford (candidate ward 4) reads from prepared notes: The Planning Advisory Committee is already in place to hear planning applications. Public members are on standby to provide input into the township official plan when the county finalizes their official plan. That is the direction the public members of the planning advisory voted 3-2 in favour of doing and that was the deal with the official plan only. The Planning Advisory Committee is still in place but the mandate has changed to reflect what the public members wanted.
Gord Roehner (candidate ward 4) Reinstate the Planning Advisory Committee with a new mandate.
Nacny Stoddart (candidate ward 4) I don’t know how a township can work without a Planning Advisory Committee. We need to have residents plugged into so they can work with the staff and the council.
Appreciate Citizens
On the website Oro-Medonte Appreciative Citizens, operated by former PAC member Larry Tupling, “Larry” posted the following comment on September 28, 2010: “At the all candidates meeting in Edgar last night Councilor Agnew said several time that the former PAC was dismissed by council that is in fact not true, but by a vote of 3 to 2 by the PAC members we disbanded ourselves as we were not following the mandate that we had been asked to do by the committee that asked us to be on the PAC after the last election. It was great to see such a large turnout on a rainy night I hope that will be reflected in voter turnout.”
The facts
On June 22, 2009, the Planning Advisory Committee voted on the following resolution:
Moved by Roy Hastings Seconded by Larry Tupling  It is recommended that Council disband the Planning Advisory Committee and replace with members of the public who will adhere to the mandate set out by Council
Recorded Vote Requested by Roy Hastings
Yea Roy Hastings
Nay Tom Kurtz
Nay Mary O’Farrell-Bowers
Yea Larry Tupling
Nay Linda Babulic
On Sept. 9, 2009, Oro-Medonte Council voted on the following resolution: Moved by Coutanche Seconded by Allison Be it resolved that Planning Advisory Committee in its current form be dissolved That the Clerk bring forward the appropriate bylaw That development application review be conducted by Council That staff bring forward a report regarding the formation of working groups to provide public consultation on corporate initiatives including such items as the Official Plan Review That the current public members of Planning Advisory Committee be afforded the opportunity to contribute as members of the future working groups And That the members of Planning Advisory Committee be advised of Council s decision
Recorded Vote Requested by Councillor Agnew
Nay Councillor Agnew
Yea Councillor Allison
Yea Councillor Coutanche
Yea Councillor Crawford
Yea Councillor Evans
Yea Deputy Mayor Hough
Yea Mayor HS Hughes
The facts show
Council dissolved the PAC. The 3-2 vote by PAC members was against dissolution, not in favour.

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