• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Mayor / councillor ward 1 Clearview

In Collingwood
Oct 9th, 2010

Collingwood Enterprise Bulletin — October 8 2010
Clearview Township Mayor Ken Ferguson is running for another term of office. After a lengthy career in local politics serving nine years as Council representative for Ward 1, three years as Deputy Mayor and four years as Mayor, Ferguson has a ‘clear view’ of what is happening and where the township is going. He represents dedicated leadership and an experienced voice.
Mayor Ferguson’s vision for Clearview in the future includes continuation to implement ‘Directions for Growth’ -a growth plan for Clearview 2009 – 2031 which outlines controlled and sustainable growth pertaini ng to county and provincial plans. Ferguson hopes council will continue to set goals and objectives through the township’s Strategic Plan ‘Our Focus: Your Future’.
Clearview needs to maintain and strengthen its relationships with government officials to ensure that services and funding are provided for future development. We must continue to build partnerships with our neighbours and within the county for efficient and effective provision of services. A perfect example of this is the needed completion of the Emergency Hub in Stayner which will provide offices for OPP — provincial, ambulance – county, and fire services – municipal that will serve our communities,” said Ferguson.
“Servicing is a focal point for Clearview: we now have approved environmental assessments for our settlement areas. Completing the servicing of Stayner, which is viewed as one of Clearviews’s economic engines, is critical for our economy, health and welfare.”
Maintenance and safety of roads infrastructure, safe drinking water, and support for county wide trail systems that connect communities are projects in a vision that Ferguson sees for Clearview. He supports township’s rural schools saying “bigger is not always better”. During his political involvement over the years changes and improvements to the township have represented a positive learning experience for Ferguson and a work in process for the township.
“I care deeply about our community and its future. I have been proud and honoured to represent the taxpayers of Clearview since amalgamation 16 years ago. While serving as Deputy Mayor and Mayor I also served as a Simcoe County Councillor, a member of the Human Resources Committee and vice chair of Corporate Services,” said Ferguson who was a dedicated community volunteer as well.
“I served as a volunteer firefighter for 12 years in Nottawa, and continue to support the Collingwood Agricultural Society. In my spare time I enjoy the recreation our community provides such as trail systems and snowmobiling.”
Ferguson has lived and worked in Clearview his entire life. Born and raised in Nottawa, he attended Duntroon Public School and Collingwood Collegiate Institute. He is a third generation farmer and the owner of a welding and machine shop that has been serving the community for 25 years. He has been married to wife Cheryl for 32 years and is the proud father of four children. Although all four of his children have left to attend higher levels of education they have all returned to work and live in Clearview as well.
Ferguson believes in job opportunities for all residents in Clearview Township as well as preservation, sustainability and future growth of agriculture. He says development of the private business sector and investment of Clearview is needed and promotes growth and sustainability of all businesses in Clearview communities and planning for permanent jobs and affordable housing for future generations. Ferguson sees Clearview as a recreation -destination with walking trails, golf courses and ski hills.
Ferguson stands for dedicated leadership, integrity accountability and transparency.
“Stable functional and effective government is needed in Clearview,” said Ferguson who if re-elected promises to work with local agencies and upper tier governments with our growth plan while making the necessary connections with Federal Ministers to accomplish what is needed to do for planning the future of Clearview over the next 30 years.
 “I will continue to do my best to facilitate local solutions to planning issues such as the Duntroon Quarry, Creemore Brewery and new technologies for example solar and windmills, by respecting the needs of our local communities and Clearview as a whole. We need to look for joint solutions while communicating and negotiating at our local level of government Ontario Municipal Board hearings are very expensive for everyone including ratepayers.”
As mayor of Clearview Ferguson promises to continue to provide stable, functional and effective government professional representatives at both the municipal and county levels, advocate for social services and health care needs in our region and provide safe and affordable drinking water and waste water for township communities, complete the Stayner Emergency Hub and work towards the infrastructure needs of the community.
For more visit www.fergusonformayor
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Dave McKee Age: ??
Previous Political Experience:
My name is Dave McKee and I am running for a council seat in Clearview township, Ward one.
I’ve lived in the Nottawa area all of my life and done business here for thirty-eight years . My wife, Bea and I have raised our family here . I’ve seen a lot of changes over the years that I’m sure will pale in comparison to what the future will bring.
I’m running for council because and I care deeply about Clearview and its future. I believe that one of the benefits of working at the municipal level is that the decisions taken there affect the people I see on a day to day basis.
I’ve been asked a lot lately what
my platform is.
A platform, by definition is made up of the promises you make to people while trying to get elected. I think we’ve all seen at the provincial or federal level, the kind of trouble making promises without the benefit of all the information can get you into
The only promise I’m going to make to you is that if elected I’m going to deal with the issues that come my way in the same manner that I’ve dealt with them in my years in business or during my fifteen years on the Clearview Fire department.
In both of those situations people look to you to solve , or at least stabilize the issues they have
If you do it effectively you keep your customers, if you don’t, you don’t eat.
Infrastructure, getting water and sewer into areas where it is needed. Planning and development, so that urban doesn’t encroach on agricultural. Being open for business , establishing areas so that industry has a attractive , serviced, designated place to set up shop , Our road systems, so that we keep residents, tourists and products moving in and out of the area as efficiently as possible. Keeping tabs on our taxes so that we can afford to live here.
Accessibility, public safety, tourism , green issues, sports and recreation , are all valid issues that affect us all. Which of these are more or less important depends on our priorities and state in life.
I can tell you that in the issues of the day I’ll gather as much information as I can , look at ramifications of a decision one way or the other. Take into consideration the mindset and sensibilities of the people involved and try to reach a balance which benefits as many of the stakeholders as possible and not just the loudest . Most of all I’ll keep you informed.
Will you like every decision I make on every vote I cast on every issue?
Hardly likely. But you can rest assured that I will will work toward a better Clearview, and keep all of our interests in mind!

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