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Barrie Advance newspaper election choices

In Barrie
Oct 8th, 2010

Oct 07, 2010
BARRIE – Presented here are the Barrie Advance’s choices for the positions of trustees, councillors and mayor in the City of Barrie.
We’ve based our choices on strict criteria and see these citizens as our best chance for an inspiring and effective four years to come.
We’re presenting these choices earlier than we have during past elections to give you all ample time to express your opinions, to open discussions with family and friends, and to encourage you to make your own choices.
Most importantly we want you to make your own informed decision and vote.
For that reason, we are hosting Electionfest – an opportunity to meet and greet the candidates – on Oct. 14 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Army, Navy and Air Force Club.
Have a coffee and talk to the candidates!
We would like to thank all of the people who have decided to run for the positions of mayor, councillor and school board trustee in Barrie.
The commitment of time and energy required to successfully fulfill these obligations can be enormous. We know for sure that no matter how hard you work or how much you give of yourself, you are not going to please everyone. Politics can be a thankless job.
For that reason alone, we commend you for seeking these leadership roles with the intent of making the city a better place.
Improving Barrie was the impetus behind the recommendations we have made for these positions.
We are looking for a courageous mayor to lead and rebuild a fragmented council.
He needs to be visionary and politically savvy, working with all levels of government and local stakeholders to make sure the decisions made around the council table are the best for Barrie.
And finally we need to have faith that someone is listening and acting on our behalf.
Rob Hamilton – A mayor should be courageous, visionary, politically savvy and ready to lead. It is for these reasons we’ve chosen Rob Hamilton. Although other mayoral candidates do have political experience, Rob Hamilton’s experience in the mayor’s chair means a shorter learning curve and a quicker move to action. And, to us, that’s exactly what we need.
Ward 1
Kevin Richards – Richards is a business owner who is very active in the community. His clear-cut motivation to make the city a better place to live and do business earns him our support.
Ward 2
Lynn Strachan – Strachan is an incumbent and has the experience of two terms on council. As a veteran, we would like to see Lynn take on a bigger role on council and not just Communities in Bloom.
Ward 3
Rod Jackson – Jackson has experience on council and his priorities are people-focused: doctors, parks and safety. We think Jackson has more to offer than he has been giving in the past and would like to see him take on more of a leadership role.
Ward 4
Barry Ward – As an incumbent, Ward should return to council to represent Ward 4. Although Ward may not be considered one of the most outspoken or feisty councillors, he does see the bigger picture and often provides the voice of reason. But again, we are looking for more. This should be Ward’s term to shine.
Ward 5
Peter Rose – As a newcomer to council, Rose brings many qualities that will make him an asset to the team. He volunteers at RVH, works as a Toronto firefighter, and operates a financial service business in Barrie – all of which give him a great perspective of the city.
Ward 6
Michael Prowse – Prowse has worked hard to represent his ward and should be given the opportunity to do it again. He is dedicated, hard working and understands how important his role is to those who voted for him. Those new on council or those looking to accomplish more this term should use Prowse as an example of how it’s done.
Ward 7
John Brassard – Brassard hit the ground running during his first term and the residents of Ward 7 should let him continue. His high level of energy and ongoing passion show you can work full-time and still fulfill your election promises.
Ward 8
Alison Eadie – Eadie has six years of experience on council, serving half of that time when Rob Hamilton was mayor. Although she represented Ward 10 at that time, the residents of Ward 8 will benefit from her experience and council will benefit from her keen ability to listen to residents.
Ward 9
Brian Jackson – Having served 13 years as mayor of Innisfil and six years as a councillor, Jackson’s political experience makes him an asset for Barrie. He will be a champion for the annexed land, and a promoter of shared services between Innisfil and Barrie.
Ward 10
Alex Nuttall – Incumbent Nuttall works hard for the residents of his ward and is an asset on city council. He is vocal, visible and active, and makes it like he’s been doing a councillor for longer than four years.Public – Area 1
Erich Jacoby-Hawkins – As the founder of the Green Party association, Jacoby-Hawkins is no stranger to politics. He is eager to get to work and is already looking at the issues regarding the closure of Barrie Central Collegiate.
Public – Area 2
Krista Mayne – Mayne’s experience as a preschool program teacher gives her an understanding of the inner workings of the educational system from a unique perspective. She’s a mom with school-aged children and has volunteer experience.
Public – Area 3
Donald Mullin – Mullin brings a wealth of experience as a retired administrator of a large Ontario school board and that will give him an added advantage in understanding the system. He should be a real asset to the board.French Public
Guy Belcourt – Belcourt’s past experience and accomplishments within the school board’s French language services. He is retired and wants to spend a time making a difference in the education system.
Catholic Area 1
Connie Positano – Positano is no stranger to the board. She has served on its special education advisory committee and on Barrie’s accessibility advisory committee.
Catholic Area 2
Justin Heran – Heran is an incumbent with seven years experience and should get the opportunity to continue to fight for quality education.

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