• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Airport: Letter from CAPB to Collingwood

In Clearview
Jan 6th, 2016

Text of January 4 2016 letter to Town of Collingwood from Collingwood Aviation Business Park president Remo Niceforo:

Deputy Mayor Brian Saunderson and Councillor Mike Edwards
I am responding to your media release issued December 29, 2015, titled ‘Collingwood’s Support for Regional Airport’. Having sought diligently over the past 18 months to obtain an access agreement, this is the first time I have learned (through a media release) of the criteria to be met which might lead to an access agreement.
Clearview Aviation Business Park made detailed representations to the Collingwood Regional Airport Services Board on three separate occasions and on one occasion to Collingwood Council. During these presentations we followed an approach that was directed by Collingwood staff, similar to approaches taken in the recent past for an ‘Access Agreement’.
I understand and respect your responsibility to fully appreciate the intended uses and the financial and operational impacts, when determining the conditions of an access agreement. Protecting this very important asset (Regional Airport) is a theme the entire region has supported, including the business community in the face of the wpd industrial wind turbine application.
I am advised that should the MOE decide in support of the wpd application, it is highly unlikely that a successful challenge could be launched through the courts to defeat that approval. In short, we collectively have one chance to get it right! We either put forward our strongest possible case now or live with the results for generations to come.
It is for this compelling reason that we respectfully requested a simple, straightforward, legally non-binding ‘letter of intent’ that speaks to the concept of connectivity, cooperation and links between our two properties. We even suggested including a clear statement to be contained within the ‘letter of intent’ that ‘access agreements’ will be assessed individually and that approvals and conditions are solely within the purview of the Corporation of the Town of Collingwood.
Your statement that, “the Town does not want to prejudge any negotiations by issuing a statement of intent at this time” confuses me. It is generally accepted in the business community and the courts that a ‘letter of intent’ by its very definition does not prejudge negotiations. It merely speaks to the intent or vision of a particular matter, and identifies a context within which negotiations will occur.
In the spirit of creating a cooperative, positive and inviting regional business environment, I am once again respectfully asking that your Council reconsider its position related to the granting a ‘letter of intent’ to the Clearview Aviation Business Park. Please know that it is my sincere desire to work with our neighbours in a positive and engaging manner, an approach that will realize an opportunity to create a centre of excellence for the aviation industry and more importantly, exciting opportunities within our region for generations to come.

Text of Dec. 29 2015 news release from Town of Collingwood:

The Town of Collingwood would like to clarify its position with respect to the Regional Airport as a result of someapparent confusion in the media and the public.
The Town’s number one priority at this time is to prevent the wind turbines from being established in the proposed locations, which pose a considerable threat to the future operations of the Regional Airport and any future development.
The Town has granted access to one existing property owner (Genesis Flight Centre), and has not refused to grant access to the airport to other adjacent property owners.
The Town is, and has always been, prepared to consider specific proposals for access on a case-by-case basis. The Town has to date, not received any specific application with sufficient information to assess the proposal.
Proposals should include information such as the nature of the intended use, the identity of the owner and/or tenant, the proposed nature, frequency and duration of the access, proposed compensation to the Town, ability to obtain appropriate insurance, and other relevant information. The Town does not want to prejudge any negotiations by issuing a statement of intent at this time.
The Town has supported the recent Official Plan amendment and zoning by-law application filed by the developer, and has not objected to any aspects of these applications.
Council recently supported substantial new funding for the legal challenge to prevent the wind turbines from being established in locations that would detrimentally impact the future operations and potential expansion of the Regional Airport, and is undertaking, jointly with the Township of Clearview, a study that will show the considerable economic impact of the Regional Airport and surrounding developments on the area.
The Town of Collingwood, together with the Township of Clearview and the Town of Wasaga Beach, continue to support the annual budget of the Regional Airport, including any operational deficits.


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