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Emails stirring debate in Tiny

In Tiny
Oct 6th, 2010

This is the text of emails – the first one mistakenly sent to Tiny Township Deputy Mayor George Lawrence regarding a meeting between a developer, Mayor Peggy Breckenridge and Councillor George Cornell (see Midland Free Press story ‘Email lands developer, candidate in hot water’)

Midland Free Press – October 6 2010
Remington Group email received by Deputy Mayor George Lawrence
From: Luch Ognibene
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2010 7:50 AM
To: Breckenridge, Peggy ( Peggy.Breckenridge@simcoe.ca)
george. lawrence@county. simcoe. o n.ca;Christopher Bratty
Subject: Georgian Drive Extension
Mayor and Deputy Mayor -thanks again for taking the time to meet with us on-site to review and discuss the Georgian Drive extension matter. This email will also acknowledge Mayor Breckenridge’s message yesterday evening that she spoke with the Township CAO and confirmed that the construction of the road will be deferred to next spring, to af for d some additional time to re-visit this matter.
We appreciate your assistance, as well as your offer to facilitate further discussions with staff. We will wait to hear further as to next steps -please feel free to contact either myself or Chris Bratty.
Luch Ognibene, MCIP RPP
The Remington Group
(Editor’s note: Mr. Lawrence did not meet with the Remington Group.)
Second email from Remington Group to council, CAO
From:: Luch Ognibene
To: Council
Cc: Doug Luker; Chris Bratty< cbratty@xxxxxxxx.com >Sent: Tue Sep 28 12:50:35 2010
Subject: FW: Georgian Drive Extension
Mayor and Members of Council:
The purpose of this email is to clarify a couple of matters associated with the attached email, which I understand was circulated to all of Council:
1. The site meeting was with the Mayor and Councillor George Cornell -the Deputy Mayor was not involved in this meeting.
2. The outcome communicated in a voice mail to me by the Mayor was that she had spoken with the CAO and believed a two week deferral to the start date of the Georgian Drive extension could be brought for ward for Council’s consideration (not that the actual construction of the extension could be deferred to next spring).
I sincerely apologize for my oversight on both fronts, and any confusion this may have created.
We are prepared to meet with Council and staff to further review the matter, as we continue to believe that the removal of an acre of trees to facilitate the extension of Georgian Drive is unwarranted in this instance.
Breckenridge email to council members, CAO
From: pbreck@xxxx.com
To: gglawrence@xxxxxxxx.ca; nellcorp9@xxxxx.com; nigelgwarren@xxxxx.com;aclaire@xxxxxxx.ca
CC: dluker@xxxx.ca
Subject: RE: Georgian Drive Extension
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2010 15:08:13 -0400
Hi Council,
I did not see Luch’s email until midmorning this morning, Tues. and so was unaware of the email and the errors it contained. As the Deputy Mayor in for med me this morning that he had seen the email yesterday and passed it on to Andre and Nigel yesterday, I had no idea at the meeting last night that you had been given incorrect in for mation.
You can only imagine my horror when I saw Luch’s email today! I have no idea why he would have twisted my message around to the extend he did.

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