• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Minister Clark is shamefully or dangerously ignorant about development charges

In AWARE News Network
Dec 8th, 2022

No matter which explanation is offered, Steven Clark has shown himself unfit for this portfolio and ought to resign.

photo: David Hawke

I was involved in municipal politics in the GTA for 28 years, 23 of which I served as the Mayor of Ajax (1995-2018). Therefore, I have some detailed familiarity with development charges — how they are calculated, approved, budgeted and spent.

When I read the commentary on this subject by Steven Clark, Ontario’s minister of municipal affairs and housing, I couldn’t believe what I was reading.

Is it possible that a former mayor and now minister is so poorly informed about development charges? Or is he deliberately misleading the citizens of Ontario to justify his government’s disastrous Bill 23 recently rammed down our throats without municipal and expert input?

finish reading here

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