• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Local Citizen Groups Request Federal Government to Conduct Impact Assessment on Bradford Bypass Project

In Agriculture
Nov 11th, 2021

Bradford/East Gwillimbury/King – Three local groups whose communities will be directly impacted by the Bradford Bypass have officially asked the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada to designate the project for further federal study.

Although the Federal government refused to designate the highway project earlier this year, the groups insist that many things have changed since the decision that enables the federal Minister to reconsider.

Bill Foster from Forbid Roads over Greenspaces (FROGS) contends that considerable evidence has come forward that demonstrates this project isn’t in the best interest of the public and that the Federal government must step in on issues that have been revealed.

“The last decision stated that the Minister had faith in the provincial process, but since then the provincial government has exempted itself from the Environmental Assessment Act.  This means that the province has given itself full approval to build this project without further consideration of endangered species, fish habitat or climate change.  The rigorous 15 studies that were promised to many of the municipalities will no longer be done.  It’s build now, think later. How can anyone have any confidence in that type of process?”

Another area of concern with the highway is its proximity to houses and parks and the impact that will have on air quality.  Bradford’s population has increased 2.5x since the EA was first completed in 1997 which means the route is closer to homes than when originally conceived.  According to MTO’s own 1997 studies, the levels of benzene, as one example, would exceed Ontario’s air quality standards.  Benzene is a known carcinogen and those living near the highway could have increased risk of disease including childhood leukemia, breathing problems and poor lung development in children.

“Many of our members are women and mothers in Bradford,” says Tricia Hulshof, a member of the STOP the Bradford Bypass. “Based on the MTO’s studies, this highway would directly threaten the health of the children and adults who live along the route.  Let’s fix our traffic problems, but not in a way that threatens the health of our children.  One child being sick because of supposed time savings is one too many in our opinion.”

The exemption also means that the impacts to Lake Simcoe and climate will not be studied despite many municipalities stating that they wanted to ensure that a fulsome process would be followed to ensure no harm comes to Lake Simcoe or the Holland Marsh Wetland by this project.

“Our group fully supports the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan and the principles upon which it stands,” says Bruce Craig of Concerned Citizens of King Township (CCKT).  Our region’s way of life and economy is based on the health of the lake.  To see corners being cut, bridges being built before studies are done and no new studies to ensure care of the Lake or climate saddens me.  Once we’ve destroyed it, once we’ve paved it over, there’s no going back.  There have never been any studies that look at the impacts to Lake Simcoe, the Greenbelt or climate change.  While global leaders are making commitments to better protect green spaces, water and reduce GHG emissions, we’re investing in projects that counter those promises.”

Foster states, “Every time we meet new people who are curious about the Bypass we’re reminded of how little information about this highway has been shared with the public.  The more people know, the more they don’t like it.  No one likes gridlock, but this idea that the only way to deal with it is a highway that recent estimates suggest could cost over $2B is ludicrous.  This highway isn’t a done deal despite what the road signs say.  It’s time for people to ask some serious questions and get informed before it’s too late.”

Media Contacts:

Bill Foster, FROGS
Cell – 416-587-2514
Home  line: 905-836-0663

Bruce Craig, CCKT
Cell:  647-391-8916
Home:  905-833-3272

Tricia Hulshof, STOP the Bradford Bypass
Cell – 416 452 5433

Additional Resources:

Link to Federal Request Letter: https://frogs.ca/wp-content/uploads/shared-files/Federal-Impact-Request-for-Bradford-Bypass-November-9-2021-FROGS-STPP-CCKT-digitally-signed_Signed.pdf

FROGS is an organization of East Gwillimbury residents, many of whom are directly impacted by the proposed Bradford Bypass Project.  FROGS first came into existence in 1993 to oppose the Bradford Bypass during the environmental assessment process.  FROGS has had over 300 local residents as members. In 2021 we began to organize again to oppose the exemption of the Bradford Bypass from environmental assessment and the fast-tracking of the project, and to support environmental organizations seeking more substantial assessment. www.frogs.ca

STOP the Bradford Bypass is an organization composed of residents in Bradford and the surrounding area, many of whom would be directly impacted by the project.  STOP the Bradford Bypass is an organization founded in 2021 and run primarily by women who are concerned about the health, environmental and social impacts of the highway.

CCKT has been an active citizen-based group in King Township for 51 years, advocating to conserve important natural heritage systems and features. Over 50% of King Township is within the Lake Simcoe watershed, and the northern tip of King Township lies within the proposed routing of the Bradford-Bypass.  CCKT is concerned about the impacts the highway will have on Lake Simcoe, local watersheds and sensitive eco-systems, plus the impact of GHG emissions on community health and climate.  www.cckt.ca

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