• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Save Our Bees

In Agriculture
Sep 17th, 2021

Billions of bees, butterflies, beetles… are dying off, and the consequences may soon be catastrophic for our crops and fragile ecosystems worldwide. Toxic agricultural pesticides are among the key culprits, but we now have a unique chance to phase them out in Europe. If we help win here, the rest of the world could follow. But to make it happen we have to drown out the voices of the industry lobby. Sign now to create a massive buzz for the bees, and share widely.

The insect apocalypse keeps unfolding — silently, billions of bees, butterflies, and other extraordinary tiny creatures are dying off, and the consequences may soon be catastrophic for our crops and fragile ecosystems worldwide.

Agricultural pesticides are among the key culprits. But now the European Union is considering an ambitious proposal to radically cut pesticide use by 2030 that could pave the way for a total phase out across Europe in 15 years. As a trading superpower, the EU has enormous influence on setting global standards — and a win here could have ripple effects globally.

But first we must prevent the powerful chemical lobby from wrecking the plan. This is why we are joining an incredible coalition of environmental groups, farmers, beekeepers, and scientists to bring the 1 million citizen voices needed and ensure EU institutions address our demands.

And if we all join now, we will also empower key parliamentarians and officials with a massive boost of global public support so they resist the pressure, and help save our bees, butterflies, and farmers from deadly pesticides. We’ve done it in the past, let’s do it again!

Insect species have declined by 50% in the past 50 years — possibly more. These include the bumblebees, monarch butterflies, beetles and other beautiful pollinators that sustain much of our food supply and delicate ecosystems.

Protecting wildlife habitats remains a crucial part of the fight to stop the collapse of our insect populations — but it is equally important to tackle the flood of pesticides (2.5 million tons every year!) going into our fields, gardens and parks. Recent research shows that agricultural chemicals not only cause water and soil pollution, they’re also deadly to bees and other pollinators.

But now we have a massive opportunity in Europe to push a new, pesticide-free agricultural model that allows nature and farmers to thrive in harmony. Key EU lawmakers are ready to confront the big pesticide companies, and fight for the most ambitious deal ever to transform our food and farming systems, but they need all our support.

Momentum is building to address the issue not only in Europe — the UN just published a plan to drastically reduce pesticide use ahead of international negotiations later in the year. If we help win in Europe, more countries will follow, bringing us a step closer to saving our bees and pollinators from extinction, and help small, sustainable farmers to flourish.

Join now, and share with everyone — Avaaz and our partners will make sure our voices are heard in every important meeting ahead.

Avaazers care deeply about bees and biodiversity. Over 2 million of us are calling on world leaders to protect half our planet and stop the extinction crisis, and with over 5 million signatures, our call to save the bees is one of the biggest in Avaaz history. But we won’t win these campaigns unless we transform the way we produce food. This is our chance to make sure the EU leads and other countries follow. Let’s make it happen.

Sign the petition here.

More information:

The insect apocalypse: ‘Our world will grind to a halt without them’ (The Guardian)

UN sets out Paris-Style plan to cut extinction rate by a factor of 10 (The Guardian)

Study: Farm pesticide killing more bees (Dhaka Tribune)

Bee Kind: Imperial scientists’ efforts to protect pollinators (Imperial College London)

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