• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Save Brocks Beach! NO to high density developments on Beachwood Road (Wasaga Beach)

In Council Watch
Aug 12th, 2021

Sign this petition to save Brocks Beach

We The People of Brocks Beach  formally oppose and ask Wasaga Beach Mayor and Council to reject the following:

·       The  application submitted by Beachwood Development Inc., to the Town of Wasaga Beach Planning Department, for an Official Plan Amendment (File No. OPA02/21),

·       The  application submitted by Beachwood Development Inc., to the Town of Wasaga Beach Planning Department Zoning By-law Amendment (File No. Z01/21)

·       The  application submitted by Beachwood Development Inc., to the Town of Wasaga Beach Planning Department Draft Plan of Vacant Land Condominium (File No. PS01/21)

·       The proposed Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Vacant Land Condominium which would enable the subject property to facilitate a total of 215 units; 33 units for Single Detached Dwellings, 48 units for Townhouse Dwellings, and 134 Condominium Units in two 6 storey buildings. The Official Plan Amendment would recognize an increased density permitted on the subject lands.

·       The rezoning from current Low Density Residential 1 with Hold, to High Density Residential 3 and 4, and

·       The building of two 6 storey high density residential condominium buildings, and eight blocks of townhouses on a plot of land which includes one watercourse and two wetlands of Natural Heritage System Category 1 and 2 Lands, (identified in the official Wasaga Beach OP Consolidation document, Adopted by Council: September 9, 2003, Approved by the County of Simcoe: June 22, 2004, and Consolidated: January 2020), a plot of land which is part of a Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority (“NVCA”) Regulated Area, as part #34 & 35, Concession 3, and identified as an Area of High Aquifer Vulnerability with a watercourse and several wetlands (in the 2011 Town of Wasaga Beach Amendment to Official Plan), the subject property which is completely regulated pursuant to Ontario Regulation 172/06, the Authority’s Development, Interference with Wetlands and Alterations to Shorelines and Watercourses Regulation ((available online at: https://www.ontario.ca/laws/regulation/060172/v1 Permits are required from NVCA prior to construction or grading on this property.

·       Please note that this land has already been illegally altered by clearing trees and by filling with soil, and the owner received a fine for non-compliance by NVCA. We, therefore, request that no further alteration is conducted without first obtaining required approval and permits from the NVCA, Town of Wasaga Beach and Simcoe County required permits.

The residents of Wasaga Beach, and more specifically the residents of Brocks Beach, Shore Lane, and the area from Simcoe Street to Constance Boulevard, and across Beachwood Road to Fairgrounds Road, are very concerned by the potential negative impacts of any type of High Density R3 and R4 Development in this area, which is not in keeping with the context or the criteria set out in the Official Plan nor the vision for the future of Wasaga Beach West End.

–        The current zoning By-Law of Residential Type One with Hold was passed for good reasons, in 2003 which are still valid today, and should remain so.

–        The Amendment to the Official Plan (OPA #28) West End Natural Heritage
Review, passed in 2011, is still valid today, and should remain so.

–        Highway 26 was built as a detour, because Beachwood Road infrastructure was not able to accommodate high traffic, and this is remains valid to this day. Beachwood Road is a provincial Road managed by MTO, and not under the municipal authority. Any alteration of Beachwood Road to accommodate entrance to this new development must be approved by MTO.

–        The negative impact to current residents includes, but is not limited to: for
the properties directly adjacent to the development, a significant loss in property value which extends to nearby properties; an increase in road traffic on Beachwood Road, 74th Street North, Shore Lane, Marilyn Avenue, Lakeshore Road, Thomas Street and Betty Boulevard; a loss of Shore Lane Trail replaced by the extension of Betty Boulevard; a loss of vegetation and natural wild habitat; an increase in road noise from the loss of a natural sound barrier; infrastructure weakness with insufficient sewer system and very high risk of stormwater flooding; the heightened potential for trespassing at private beaches and properties and the overcrowding of the very small public beaches at the end of Sylvan Street, 72nd Street and 74th Street; the invasion of privacy from high buildings into adjacent private homes.

Please sign this petition to “Save Brocks Beach” and say “No to high density developments along Beachwood Road,” in Wasaga Beach!

And please request the Wasaga Beach Mayor and Council to reject the change to the Official Plan and By-Law from Low Density Residential 1 to High Density Residential 3 and Residential 4.

Sign the petition here

Visit the Save Beachwood Website

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