• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Update from Midhurst

In Agriculture
Sep 22nd, 2016
Midhurst -AWARE Simcoe file photo

Welcome Autumn…Critical Developments Await

From Save Midhurst Village – Midhurst Ratepayers Association

As Margaret Atwood told us, it is important for us to keep pushing that rock further up the hill. Each day we get closer. We’ve had important events happen in our campaign to bring smart growth to Midhurst, not reckless sprawl. Read on, and please remember, all of this is due to amazing supporters and donors like you. Your support has made all of this possible.

The Latest on the MSP & the Ontario Municipal Board
In July, the MSP was front and centre again at the OMB. Midhurst landowners challenged the County’s legal authority to refuse their requests for the extra population required for Phase 2 to proceed. In May of this year, the County used a new bylaw to deny those requests. County Councillors knew that Springwater’s currently proposed development would already far exceed the province’s population forecasts. No need for more. Their sensible decision was based partly on our own Springwater Council’s unanimous vote against these requests in January. The landowners, of course, are arguing that the proper jurisdiction for such decisions is their ‘old friend’, the OMB. We expect the OMB decision any day now. Should this quasi court go against the people, there are remedies. More on that to follow if needed ….

Unlike our previous OMB experiences where public input was completely ignored and the MRA benched in favour of developer interests, the MRA this time was a full partner with the province, county and township in arguing that the County has the final say. Where once we were a voice in the wilderness, all 3 levels of government now agree with us that Phase 2 should be stopped.

We’ve come a long way thanks to unflagging lobbying, determination, a creative strategy and excellent legal advice. And the support of people like you!

Our outstanding legal counsel, Rod Northey of Gowlings, was not only quoted in the press after he presented our legal case, but also referenced with respect throughout the hearing by other lawyers. We appreciate his stellar performance on behalf of the citizens of Midhurst and Springwater. You’ll be interested to know that Mr. Northey was recently appointed by the Federal Minister of the Environment to a 4-person expert panel reviewing the federal environmental assessment process. Having written the manual on this topic, Rod is recognised as one of Canada’s top experts in environmental law. We are lucky he has made time in his busy career to represent the MRA. Of course, such top-quality legal expertise is not cheap. PLEASE DONATE TODAY so that we can continue to rely on his superb strategic advice and skills. Donations can be made via PayPal on our website: friendsofmidhurst.ca or by cheque payable to Midhurst Ratepayers’ Association 3 Silverwood Crescent, Midhurst L9X 0P3

Environmental Assessment (EA) for MSP
The final stages of the EA process are upon us, with the legally required Public Information session scheduled for Tuesday, October 18 from 4:30 – 9:00 p.m., subject to change if necessary. Details are available at www.springwater.ca or in the Township’s flyer arriving now in your mail. The drop-in format is designed to encourage wide attendance with the formal presentation + Q & A scheduled for 7:00 p.m. This is your public chance to ask questions about the development.

We hear many residents asking about:

-How will traffic be calmed on Finlay Mill, Doran, Pooles, and St. Vincent where significant traffic increases are expected? How will we ensure the safety of our children who routinely use those streets to walk and bike to school? -How will this change the nature of our village, its serenity and safety?
Sewer Hook-up: The advertisement for the Public Session talks about the engineering design’s capability for hook-up by existing village residents should a future council decide operating costs require this action. How many streets could be forced to hook up? What will happen to households that can’t afford the $50,000+ to connect? How is this of benefit to existing homeowners?!?
-How will developers ensure that the potable water needed for this development won’t run private wells or municipal wells dry? How will they ensure raw sewage pipes won’t leak and contaminate Willow Creek? What is being done to study the fragile Minesing Wetlands to ensure its future health?

You’ll find the important technical reports at www.springwater.ca. Follow these links: Planning > Midhurst Secondary Plan > Environmental Assessment. We hope you can share your concerns in person. If not, please contact your Councillor, Mayor French and Deputy Mayor any time BEFORE December 1st. You can contact them at council@springwater.ca They WANT to hear from you – as do we! Stay tuned for more from the MRA on this topic …

ATTENTION Midhurst Residents – Coming Soon to a Door Near You
Our street canvassing campaign is kicking into high gear after the summer lull! A BIG THANK YOU to all those who are already generously donating time and money to ensure our community retains its unique charm by stopping the disastrous MSP. To date, several volunteers have knocked on doors to update residents on MRA efforts and how to support us to victory. We’re finding the vast majority are as worried as we are about the fate of our beloved village, should we forced to accommodate 30,000 more residents under the MSP. Many of you are concerned about traffic on Doran, Pooles, St. Vincent and Finlay: its impact on everyday life in our quiet village and our kids’ safety when riding bikes or walking to school and yours and ours when out walking for pleasure. Others are aghast at the mountain of debt our township will have to take on, debt to be paid for by Springwater taxpayers. We hear, too, about protecting our Willow Creek and making sure our water remains plentiful and clean. In the final analysis, we keep going because you keep telling us it’s TOO IMPORTANT NOT TO.
To finance our legal and environmental fight, we aim to talk to every Midhurst household this fall. We are so close to winning. And we have the expertise and the road map. All we need now is the money to pull it off!
Please consider joining our canvassing team. Contact David Strachan at davidstrachan@me.com for more info

If you don’t live in Midhurst, but want to help us keep our farms and water protected, you can donate to our cause through Paypal (www.friendsofmidhurst.ca) or through our CauseVox campaign – www.savemidhurst.causevox.com.

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