• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Get the right information on Midhurst – Springwater DM

In Agencies
Apr 25th, 2014
Dan MacLean

Letter to the Springwater News

I am reluctant to send a letter to the paper as I have always believed that information and discussion on complicated concerns like the Midhurst Secondary Plan (MSP) should be done in Council or one -on -one with individuals. I have had many verbal discussions with ratepayers who are concerned with the items they have read in the paper written by individuals who wish to depict Council decisions as wrong or improper.  Once I explained the facts and information from which Council had to make a decision they understood why the decision was made. I suggest more people contact their Council representatives and ask for the background and information behind the decisions, rather than accepting the articles in the paper as the only perspective.

Councillor Webster chose to answer the questions he has been constantly asked in a letter to the editor in an effort to get the correct information to the readers.

I have been on Municipal Council for 24 years (1980 to 2000, 2010 to present) and this is my first letter I have written to the Springwater News. I am doing so at this time as it seems the articles related to the MSP are not depicting the correct information and misleading ratepayers to think Council is not working on their behalf. The information history of the MSP is available on the Township web site (www.springwater.ca) and also through your elected representatives.

The MSP has progressed over 16 years to the state it is today and the 2010 Council inherited the approved Plan.   Is this Council and former Councils satisfied with how it has ended up?

I can only speak for myself and the answer is no.

I cannot go back in time to change things or overrule the Province’s Growth Plan and Regulations.

I can however, monitor and comment that any development will not have any detrimental effects on the Minesing Wetlands regarding water quality and flow.

I take my position on Council very seriously, I will do everything within my means to protect Springwater’s largest environmental asset.

In the latest article from Mr. French he indicated that only effluent discharge is being considered in the Midhurst Environmental Assessment Process (EA) and indicated that Council was not protecting the Minesing Wetlands as far as flows were concerned. Water flows and erosion are part of the Master Storm Water Management Plan including the Willow Creek. Mayor Collins, Councillor Hanna and Councillor McConkey are on the EA Committee and I am sure they would not let something like that slip through.  The Township Engineers are accessing all the flows related to the development and shall be meeting with the Ministry of Environment and the Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority (NVCA) to ensure flows from the MSP will not negatively impact the Willow Creek and the Minesing Wetlands. No final approvals from Council will be issued until this is addressed.

The Phase 3 and 4 EA Process is underway and this Council and the NVCA will monitor all the information and recommendations to ensure Springwater is protected. The final approval of the EA Process lies with the Province ( Ministry of Environment)

In the latest article from Katie Austin, she refers to the Springwater’s Official Plan Section 18 preservation of rural character, prevent uncontrolled growth, and preserve first class farm land. These are general clauses and do not apply to a designated settlement area, for the MSP there are specific references to development within the Official Plan.  When a settlement area is established it sets aside the lands within that area for development.   This Midhurst settlement area was approved back in 1998. The Secondary Plan area goes into specific guidelines for urban development. The Province sets the densities and growth regulations for all urban settlement areas.

I am not pleased that the Midhurst Landowners Group chose to refer the Zoning and Subdivision Agreements to the Ontario Municipal Board. Now that it is at the board we must follow the OMB process rules and schedule. I would have much preferred spending more time on the plans, approach, and tying more to the EA process and Master Storm Water Management Plans.  It is what it is and we must deal with it within the confines of the Provincial regulations.

The MSP is a complicated planning process with a lot of history. It cannot be explained in a short paragraph and it needs to be explained in context with all the history and Provincial regulations.

I am sure there will be more articles written to influence the public to not support the present Council and vote for the alternative.  I urge you to get the right information out of respect for the present elected representatives. They have all been working very hard to improve and protect this great Township.

Thank you

Dan McLean

Deputy Mayor of Springwater Township


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