• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Aggregate Resources Act report to go to Legislature this fall

In Quarries
Sep 17th, 2013

Mega-quarry News September 17 2013
It’s been two years since the Ontario government announced a review of the outdated Aggregate Resources Act, but we’re inching ever closer to seeing a report on possible revisions. As the outcry over the proposed Highland Mega Quarry escalated in 2011, the Liberals agreed to our request for a review of the ARA. Public hearings were held in the spring of 2012 and the Standing Committee on General Government heard presentations from both agricultural and aggregate stakeholders. Revisions to the ARA will stem from those presentations. Those who spoke up for agriculture recommended that prime farmland and source water regions be protected from all aggregate operations. One MPP on the Committee commented at the end of the Toronto hearings: “Clearly, there’s an urgency to protect prime farmland.”
We learned today the ARA report is still being written and should be tabled in the legislature sometime this fall. Such a moment should be witnessed by as many of us in the Public Gallery as possible! (We’ll keep in touch with the Committee Clerk on the release date.) Once the report is tabled, it becomes public and that’s when we’ll see whether our concerns were addressed. The Committee could also ask the government to respond to its findings within 180 days. We, of course, will respond in a much shorter time period! We’ll keep you posted.

Back to the Land
Some encouraging news about young farmers and their passion for growing food. A CBC report features several young people who are drawn to the land and the career it can provide. Not only is it critical that we protect Ontario’s rare agricultural soil, we must also make it viable for our farmers to keep it in production.

Soup’s On!
As we fill our baskets with the bounty of the fall harvest, we can also support Ontario’s farmers by signing up for Soup Sundays. Friends of the Greenbelt Foundation are asking you to take a Pledge to make soup every Sunday in October using local ingredients. Thanks to Donna D for drawing this delicious campaign to our attention!

And don’t forget the Food & Water First Pledge! As your soup is simmering, take our Pledge to protect Class 1 farmland and water resources. Send it to your friends along with your favourite soup recipe! www.foodandwaterfirst.com

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