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Innisfil council accepts new code of conduct

In Innisfil
Mar 31st, 2013
AWARE Simcoe note: Link to code of conduct 
By Michael Tomasone Innisfil Scope March 27, 2013
Innisfil’s municipal council recently accepted a code of conduct (corporate policy), and agreed to appoint an integrity commissioner in the near future.
The code of conduct is the Town of Innisfil’s first and passed with ease.
The towns new corporate policy ensures council members act accordingly and provide services of the highest standard to the Town of Innisfil and its people. The code defines exactly what is expected from council, reinforcing key concepts including: a high regard for the integrity of the office; elected office is not intended for personal gain; and decisions are made through appropriate channels. The 14-page code covers all factors in which council members should conduct themselves, when representing the Town of Innisfil.
The code puts a strong emphasis on council members conduct towards colleagues at meetings, public events, and during election campaigns. The corporate policy has 22 components in which a council member must adhere to. The future integrity commissioner will be expected to investigate complaints and enforce appropriate rulings. Any council member who violates the code of conduct, are subject to penalties pertaining to their offence. Consequences range from a public reprimand, to forfeiting up to 90 days of council pay.
The Town of Innisfil’s code of conduct includes in detail:
1. Compliance with declaration of office
2. Adhere to council policies and procedures
3. Appointment of integrity commissioner
4. General conduct of council
5. Conduct at meetings
6. Conduct at public events
7. Conduct when interacting with staff
8. Conduct during election campaign
9. No improper use of influence
10. Confidential information
11. Use of town property, services, and resources
12. Incompatible activity
13. Gifts and hospitality
14. Sponsorships or donations for community events
15. Communications and media relations
16. Professional development
17. Attire and appearance
18. Statutes regulating the conduct of councilors
19. Code of conduct breaches
20. Complaint protocol
21. Complaint procedure
22. No reprisal or obstruction in the enforcement of this code
23. No appeal of integrity commissioner’s decision
24. Implementation
All council members are expected to accept the rules and conditions of the town’s code of conduct, by signing a commitment and acknowledgment form. Innisfil’s declaration of office is included in the corporate policy.

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