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Controversy shrouds Collingwood private school

In Collingwood
Feb 16th, 2013
In the movie Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, Michael Caine plays an aging roué on the French Riviera who justifies taking money from wealthy foreign women because “it’s for the children.”
This thought occurred when looking at a controversy in Collingwood, where a private school — Pretty River Academy (PRA) — is embroiled in various disputes with families who have children at the school.
Disputes that range from the school’s apparent fiscal instability to concerns families who “invested” in a school trust fund won’t get their money back to questionable land dealings and the dismissal of concerns by school management with the explanation that what they’re doing is “for the children.”
One could also invoke Sir Walter Scott’s “Oh! What a tangled web we weave …”
Go on Google and type “Pretty River Academy” (PRA) in Collingwood, Ont., and among other things you’ll see the statement: “Our mission is to strive for excellence in all we do through a passion for learning.”
Pretty hard to argue with that as a goal.
At some point prior to 2006, the “Academy” was housed at the Thompson Tennis School at the edge of town but was cramped and inadequate.
The school formed the Pretty River Trust in May 2006 as a supposedly separate and autonomous vehicle to pay for the construction of a new school compound on Hwy. 26 that included a gymnasium and multi-classrooms for a capacity of 300 students.
The trust instituted a “Refundable Bond Program.” Parents with one child enrolled in the school were asked to put up $25,000 and $30,000 if they enrolled more than one child. Additionally, bonds were sought from some parents and insiders who agreed to act as “investors” to sponsor families that couldn’t afford bonds — in exchange for a promised 10% return.
Again, all bonds were intended to help pay for the capital costs of the school’s construction and according to the initial “Loan Agreement” which the school promised to repay, without interest, “on the 1st day of September immediately following the date on which the student of whom the Payee is a parent or guardian … graduates, withdraws or ceases to be enrolled as a student of PRA.”
Around 2009, when the Harper government announced an infrastructure grants program, the school also applied for — and received approval for — some $507,000 from the provincial and federal governments to improve the sports field (artificial turf) for soccer and other sports. The school itself pledged $507,334 toward the project.
The plan was to lease out the dome and fields to local sports groups, including a soccer club, to generate an alternative revenue stream.
Both the dome, and the bond program are now at the centre of controversy.
School officials asked the town to waive $277,000 in development fees plus HST associated with the project and laid off teachers late last year, while struggling to get the dome project off the ground and deal with ongoing financial problems.
The Enterprise-Bulletin in Collingwood has detailed the school’s fiscal woes — running a deficit for the past five years with a reported operating loss of $487,000 (and net liability of $345,000) in 2011. Revenue Canada filings for the non-profit school amounted to $421,000 in 2010 and $360,000 in 2009, the Enterprise-Bulletin reported.
At the same time, enrollment has been declining. Going back to 2004, Pretty River’s operating deficit was $133,000. School enrollment has dropped from a high of 154 students (2008) to 115 in 2013, with four of 13 full-time teachers being laid off. The school’s janitor was also laid off. Parents started cleaning the school for the children’s return. Parents now work in the kitchen preparing school lunches.
Before going further, I must clarify that my grandson was enrolled at Pretty River for eight years — from kindergarten to Grade 6. Now age 12, he got positive to glowing reports at Pretty River, but when he transferred to a local public school it was determined he was several grades behind other kids.
That was somewhat disturbing for his parents — and others — who paid thousands of dollars to tutors to get their son caught up. He’s doing well now, but that’s another story.
In addition to the bonds, PRA’s fee structure starts at $4,950 a year for three-year-olds, rising steadily to $16,030 for Grades 9-12. The school’s Principal, Roberta Hirst, said in a March 23, 2012 letter to parents that fees account for only 63% of the school’s costs.
This past year, parents were told bonds due to parents in September (for those who had children leaving or graduating) wouldn’t be repaid. Because the school was “beginning to unwind” the bond program, new parents were not paying the bond. At the same time, Matthew Lidbetter, the chair of the school’s board of directors wrote “Pretty River is experiencing cash flow challenges. As a consequence, there is no current ability to pay any of the bonds that come due this year.”
The school, he wrote, “is committed to honouring the bond repayment obligations, but this will not only take time but must be done in a manner that ensures that all bond holders are treated fairly.”
Despite the school’s fiscal troubles and its inability to repay parents, principal Hirst draws close to $200,000 in salary in addition to management fees paid to a separate company named after her sons, Samax. In 2005, she sold her share in her matrimonial home to her husband, Bob, for $2.
Meanwhile, the school also engaged in complex land purchases, $190,000 for 35 acres in July 2005 and another 14 acres for $750,000 (including 11 acres of environmentally protected land) in August that year.
There are a series of mortgages including a U.S. $500,000 mortgage from five individuals from Los Angeles California that requires 8% interest paid monthly. School bank records suggest the interest payments were not made. A PRA trust ledger statement suggests when that mortgage was discharged, it was curiously paid to one of the school’s trustees, not the five people from California. More mortgages followed including $3.4 million from the TD Bank in 2008.
An appraisal of the property done last fall pegged the property worth at $8.5 million. Offsetting that is the TD loan and at least $2 million owed to bondholders. Several members of the PRA board and trust have resigned.
In any case, Pretty River’s financial future appears precarious.
The Toronto Sun made several attempts to contact Hirst but calls were not returned.
Whatever happens from this point, clearly the bank would be first in line in any foreclosure (the school buildings are about the only real asset). Bond holders would be left with only a multi-million dollar debt, despite the bank’s assurance that “one of our initiatives is to support each family who attends the school.” (For the children, remember).
Parents on the hook for $25,000 they couldn’t easily afford were — and are — indignant. Many of them intended the $25,000 to go towards their kid’s university education. Suddenly, that is no longer an option.
Earlier, a “sponsor’s program” was adopted, whereby people who didn’t have kids in the school, could buy the bonds and get 10% “Annual Capital Fee,” or 8% return on their investment. It was presented as a mixture of altruism (“for the children”) and personal benefit.
One woman, Victoria Virga, invested over $1 million — first by sponsoring bonds for a 10% fee, then an unsecured loan at 8%, then purchasing bonds from parents. From her perspective, more than $1 million down the drain.
Parents have been getting together and discussing various options, including a class action suit; suing the school’s principal, Hirst; suing the board of directors for negligence; suing trustees, past and present; suing the accountant who vouched for the reliability of the bond program; suing the trustees, former and present, of the bond program; even suing TD Bank for “partnering” such a scheme.
All of which would mean spending more money on lawyers.
Sympathy for PRA has worn thin.
Indeed, it’s a tangled web. It now seems inevitable the case will go to court, as questions continue about where the money went, and what happened to the trust agreement.
In October 2012, bond holders began demanding a full accounting — which the three trustees acknowledged was their right. Since 2006, there has been no accounting. Matthew Lidbetter (chairman of the school) and Victoria Virga (holder of $695,000 worth of bonds) resigned, followed later by Don Gallinger.
The trust was in effect abandoned and bond holders presume they’re on their own. At a recent meeting, Hirst said a full accounting would not take place, due to privacy laws.
And there the matter stands — for the moment.

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