• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Quarry expansion submission to be made

In Purest Water
Feb 2nd, 2012
Tiny Township Meeting January 30, 2012
By Vickie Kee AWARE Tiny February 2 2012 
Deputy-Mayor George Lawrence chaired the meeting because of the absence of the Mayor Ray Millar.
Les Selby Consulting Services, on behalf of K.J. Beamish Construction Company Limited, made a request for leave
of council to make an oral submission at an upcoming meeting. 
 The submission – possibly on February 13 or 24 – is regarding a proposal to initiate an Aggregate Pit Licence Expansion, Class A, Category three on the north half of lot 80, Concession 1, of Tiny. After a short discussion by council, the request was granted.
Lafontaine Beach 
A progress report on Lafontaine Beach was brought forward by Judy Sullivan of Aqua Solutions and Michael Davies
of Coldwater Consulting Ltd. The preferred option is to scrape and remove a part of the groin situated on the north side of the beach to allow wave action to flow normally along the beach to keep the stagnate water from forming in that area. The stone and gravel taken from the groin would be used to cover up the slimy and mushy area of  the beach. The sand bar, which is situated off shore, has to stay because it is a natural occurrence. All of the government agencies have said that this method will be approved so the legal documents will be sent in when
given the ok by council. There has to be public meetings before any of the work is done, says the consultants.
 Eco-Huronie funding
A presentation was put forward to council by Denise Baker, Director of Eco-Huronie, for support of funding for
development of an AgriTourism Circuit. Eco-Huronie is an ecological centre working for sustainable development
in the community of Lafontaine. They promote conservation of rural heritage, research on biodiversity and
protecting rural development through education in sound environmental practices and nutrition. They have a local
organic garden of two acres and a market in which they sell their vegetables and herbs. They are hoping to expand into supplying their vegetables to the tourists and the B&B in the area.
Substance misuse
A presentation was put forward by Janice Greco, manager of the Injury and Substance Misuse Prevention Program, Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit, re-Alcohol Advertising. She is recommending that the township uphold their policy of not allowing alcohol advertising on municipal owned property. Deputy-Mayor Lawrence reassured everyone that this issue, which was brought up by himself at the last council meeting, of allowing alcohol  advertising will not be going forward. There will be, however, an oral submission at the next council meeting by Marc Moreau on the subject.

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