• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Zero Waste Simcoe knows that zero waste is not here today

In Simcoe County
May 16th, 2011
So why do critics use that as an excuse to not even try?
News release from Zero Waste Simce May 16 2010
Zero Waste Simcoe co-founders Ray Millar and Gord McKay have heard the words…. ‘I would like to change, but’ ….  one too many times. That’s why they decided to establish their local grassroots organization to help Simcoe County municipalities become zero waste municipalities.  Members of Zero Waste Simcoe think that the major impediment to fixing our waste issues in Simcoe County is our reticence to even try to reach a zero waste solution.
Millar states flatly that while no one has achieved zero waste on a grand scale…yet, “we are coming pretty close.  There are countless examples of businesses, schools and jurisdictions that have committed to the zero waste vision globally and locally and they are succeeding. 
Honda Canada in Alliston has already achieved its “zero waste to landfill” goal. The entire country of Scotland has committed to zero waste goals.  And while these commitments are environmentally sound they also provide many other benefits including lower business costs, reduced landfill dependence and the creation of resource management jobs.
Zero Waste Simcoe knows that Ontarians buy goods from companies who are not yet committed to zero waste. As a result they feel powerless – there seems to be no choice but to buy waste with the product. The provincial election will give us a choice.  If we elect leaders who are open to zero waste we can change.
The coming election is very important to our waste future. If the campaign politicizes waste, our current waste reduction gains could be reversed and the public made more confused about what should be done. If the candidates honestly debate what is possible with waste then this election may be a watershed in moving Ontario towards a zero waste future.
Getting realistic zero waste goals is in the best interests of all residents of Simcoe County and Ontario. 
 McKay has some advice for candidates and critics. “Cancer has not been conquered yet…. but we haven’t abandoned the fight.  Lets recognize that we will need the same determination if we want to solve our waste dilemma.”

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