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Penetanguishene candidates

In Penetanguishene
Oct 21st, 2010

Midland Free Press October 20 2010
PENETANGUISHENE Candidate Deputy Mayor
My name is Patrick Marion, I am 6, married and retired, having worked 37 years in the financial services industry of which I worked 10 years for TD Bank and 27 as manager of Huronia/Hepcoe Credit Unions. For the past seven years, I have had the pleasure of representing the citizens of Penetanguishene as their councillor. During those years I enjoyed sitting on all Section Committees of Council and chaired, Planning & Development, Parks & Recreation, Transportation & Environment and Finance.
I believe, that with my financial background and experience on council that it is now time to take the next step and run for Deputy Mayor and work with our Mayor Elect in leading council into the future. I also feel, our town needs a representative on Simcoe County Council that has my experience and background in order to speak on behalf of it citizens.
PENETANGUISHENE Candidate Counc. Ward 3
Brad Saunders
Brad Saunders, 68, is a retired director of education with a Masters of Science degree.
Married to Terri Brophy, they have 3 grandchildren.
I am currently Chair of the Simcoe County District School Board. In that capacity I have successfully led the fight to keep PSS open. I have also fought hard for the multi-million dollar upgrades that have taken place in all public schools in Penetanguishene and Midland. If elected to council, I have three priorities:
1. To reestablish the bond between council and the man/woman on the street. Many of the people I speak to feel that council did not listen on the Site 41 issue.
2. To closely watch the expenditure of tax dollars. At a time when many Penetanguishene residents feel that tax dollars are being wasted, it is critical that every tax dollar be spent to best advantage.
3. To expand the revenue base of the town without raising taxes. It is my priority to attempt to attract new business to town. It creates jobs and adds to the town’s revenue base.
Anita Dubeau
I have lived in Penetanguishene all my life and am dedi c at e d to maintaining and improving the community we love. I attended business school, then worked as a bookkeeper at H.S. St Amant & Sons and also ran a successful home based business.
I am actively involved in the community -a member of the Penetanguishene Rotary Club, the Simcoe Muskoka Health Board, St Anne’s building and Finance Committee.
I want to continue implementation of our 5 and 10 year capital plan for continuous improve-m e nt s to our infrastructure, roads, sidewalks, downtown, sewage and water systems
Maintaining our Secondary High School is vital to the sustainability of our community.
I believe in a fiscal responsible government. Council has to find further efficiencies to keep tax increases to a minimum.
We must continue to lobby the Province to recognize Penetanguishene/ Midland area as a growth node so we can benefit from available funding.
PENETANGUISHENE Candidate Counc. Ward 3
Christopher Burns
Christopher Burns is 37 and a Simcoe County District School Board teacher since 2001, Penetanguishene Secondary School since 2005.
I have had a connection with Penetanguishene since I was 16 and accepted my first job at Discovery Harbour , where I worked for a decade through high school and university. I was fortunate to be hired at PSS and have taught hundreds of students in the community over the past six years. I am a community volunteer, dedicated educator and have previous municipal experience serving as a member of Tay’s Heritage Committee and as chair of the Tay Library Board.
I envision an increase in municipal services without raising taxes. Council needs to have a serious look at staffing, the largest cost in the municipal budget, and find savings so that community needs can be met without raising taxes on hard working families. Council must also focus on new sources of revenue from a focused economic development strategy, making the community a welcome place to do business and focusing on modest, smart growth.
Candidate Profiles for Penetanguishene
Thom Lackie
Qualifications: Business Administration, IFIC and MFDA Graduate Financial Security Advisor. Occupation: President and or General Manager of successful small to medium sized companies; presently Financial Advisor and Benefits Consultant for the Dunlop Team. Experience: Present or previously held volunteer board positions with more than a half-dozen organizations. I am a community-minded local resident, a father who was actively involved in the raising of five children and a successful businessman who has lived in the area for 30 years.
Top 3 priorities
1: Revitalize the downtown core with an exciting retail corridor from a new tourist-focused transient-oriented town dock southward.
2: Run the town like a business by properly managing budgets.
3: I will focus on promoting socially and environmentally responsible residential and commercial development and advocate self sustainable cultural and recreational centres for youth and seniors alike.
PENETANGUISHENE Candidate Counc. Ward 2
Daryl C.W. O’Shea
Since 1986, I have lived east of Fuller Avenue, in the old Tay Township, a part of Penetanguishene since the late 1990s. My family has owned manufacturing businesses in Penetanguishene since 1985. After studying Engineering at McMaster University, I went to work for Tay Township as their ICT Coordinator. Working at Tay has been a great education for a position on Penetanguishene’s Town Council. Tay has a similar population and operates major services such as water and wastewater facilities that I have become quite familiar with on a technical level.
Sitting on the staff side of the Council table at Tay, I’ve had the opportunity to see the effects of council decisions on daily operations. If elected I hope to bring a rural perspective to the table, apply my technical expertise to avoid unnecessary costs and to work with business to foster growth.
PENETANGUISHENE Candidate Deputy Mayor
Heather Garratt
I am 52 and I manage Main Street Computers. I have been a resident of the area all my life and believe it has a lot of potential.
Better budgeting and planning is needed to get us back in the right direction. The current council has had cost/budget overruns on almost every capital expenditure. For example the street lights, the arena, the town hall etc.
I bring almost 30 years of business management and experience to the table. I intend to use them to the best benefit of our residents.
Top three goals:
1) I would like to see spending brought under control, abolish the ward system, better control of infrastructure programs
2) I would like to see life brought back into our town, to attract new visitors as well as possible future residents.
3) I would make sidewalks on every street a priority at least on one side to start with, making sure our children are safe walking to school.
PENETANGUISHENE Candidate Counc. Ward 2
Jimmy Martin
I am a life-long resident of Penetanguishene. I am the former owner of the Beausoleil Funeral Home that later became the Martin Funeral Home, when the new building went up at the Main & Edward corner. After I sold the funeral home in 1987, I operated a sports store in downtown Midland for 11 years. Between these two businesses, I had over 30 years of experience and had to come to grips with budgets, deadlines and dealing with staff.
My municipal experience dates back to 1982 when I was first elected to the Penetanguishene Water & Light Commission for three terms and in 1988 I was first elected to council. I took a 17-year hiatus from Council until 2008 when I was selected to complete the present term following the death of Councillor O’Hara. Even during this hiatus, I served on a number of community committees.
During the next term, I would like to be part of a council that successfully completes the divestiture of the town dock at no cost to the taxpayers, redevelop Ojibway Landing with public consultation and maintain our capital plan of infrastructure development.
PENETANGUISHENE Candidate for Mayor
Doug Leroux
I was born and raised in Penetanguishene and have lived here most of my life. I have owned a successful construction company for 30 years and was previously employed in a financial instttution for 10 years. I have employed many local people and created work for hundreds in our communtty. Because of my love for this town, I have given 40 years of rny life to service in our municipality through volunteering. Why am I running for mayor? The town needs a change in direction and business experience. The revitalization of our down town will be a major priority. With the rebuilding of Oak Ridges and the construction of the Georgian village, it is imperative that service delivery match our growth wtth a focus on environmental services, infrastructure (roads and sidewalks) pure and water supply from source to tap, maintained safe policing, fire protection and disaster preparedness. Having first hand knowledge and expertise of many disciplines makes rne the most proficient and level headed person for your mayor when faced wllh critical decisions.
PENETANGUISHENE Candidate Counc. Ward 1
Debbie Levy
Debbie Levy is 55 and owner of The Reading Room Bookstore (18 years).
“I have lived in Penetanguishene for 20 years. During that time I worked as a journalist, covering town council, school board and county issues. As a volunteer I have worked on most special events, chaired the town’s Millennium project (The Kitchikewana statue), and was the president of The Penetanguishene- Tiny Chamber of Commerce. During six years on council I chaired both the public works and planning sections. I was unwavering in my opposition to site 41.
I am passionate about the history of Penetanguishene and its natural beauty, but we must work harder to improve the overall appearance of the downtown core and our parkland. We must be diligent in enforcing property standards and be more creative in how we spend our special event and community development funds. I want to see more open communication between town hall and our residents, and increase citizen involvement. For more information, call 549- 7033 or email rrbooks@thunder-star. net.
PENETANGUISHENE Candidate for Mayor
Gerry Marshall
GerryMarshallis55and vice president, New Business Development, Globalive Communications. He’s married to Janice Marshall and they have two sons and four grandchildren.
“I have a passion for Penetanguishene. I have coached the Kings, been on the executive of our curling clubs and slow pitch leagues. My experience as a senior level operations executive within the cable industry, combined with my current role as Vice President, New Business Development in the Telecommunications industry provides me the senior level business management experience that will allow me to take that passion for Penetanguishene into the Mayor’s role. I will provide strong fiscal and operational management along with forward thinking.
I will review all fiscal spending activities. I will find creative and economical ways to drive new business and tourism into our area. I will revitalize our main street business core and turn the HILL’ into an advantage. I see Penetanguishene as an unpainted canvas with unlimited potential.
PENETANGUISHENE Candidate Counc. Ward 1
Helen Luzius
I am 50 years old, originally from northern Ontario, long in love with the Penetanguishene area, finally being able to call it home.
I have university degrees in Law and in Music, and have successfully operated a small business for two decades. I currently run a home-based business providing legal research services.
I bring problem-solving skills to the table, with progressive approaches based upon practical skills of running a small business.
I envision that the council I am a part of will: improve infrastructure and develop an integrated plan for roads, sidewalks and walkways, making Penetanguishene accessible for all.
Recruit family doctors, and build much needed medical facilities, such as a blood clinic, to provide services for our seniors, and to support the current community and the future growth of Penetanguishene.
Develop a vibrant downtown, and bring in tourists so that Penetanguishene becomes the destination point it should be.


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